Originally posted by: Son of a N00b
Originally posted by: Shawn
here's one girl who listed her age as 24, when she is infact 14.
id hit it if I was 16
Originally posted by: trmiv
If they didn't allow 14 year olds on myspace, there wouldn't be much left of myspace.
Originally posted by: Injury
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
I checked out myspace people for my area, and found a lot of poorly designed web pages and tons of 17 to 19 year olds pretending to be 25.
Can someone explain to me how THIS social networking site is thriving, but Orkut somehow died off?
Because Orkut was a total pain in the ass to use and lacked any feature that someone might want. On top of that, dumb message and spam you would get from people wasn't worth sorting through things. Orkut had usability issues like the desert has sand, and needed features like the the desert needs water.