14 year old Pakistani peace activist shot by Taliban

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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
^^ inb4 Juror hand-waving deflection.

You first.
Why does there need to be a pattern? Aren't provably false stories without pattern enough?
Just as you are making positive assertions about the credibility of the mainstream media. And you've repeatedly refused to provide proof.
False. The point is, the media ran with the lie at the time, which galvanized support with the American people for military action. The media doing damage control later on doesn't do anything to disprove my point.
Sorry, try again.
And what if nobody bothers to check if it's true or not? What if nobody bothers to debunk it? You'll just go on believing lies, just because? LOL.
Sure, just as it is possible to prove that the media reports only the truth. But the media isn't simply "right", "honest", or "telling the truth" by default.
Has not been shown by whom? Did you bother to check yourself?
LOL. So the media will report a false version of the story one day, and on the next they'll report the truth? In every case? LOL.
LOL. So only the media is a witness to various events around the world? Regular people aren't witnesses?
What on earth are you babbling about?
Yes, and believing whatever the media says, just because, is called being a propaganda sponge.
There's nothing credible about it either, and you haven't pointed out any reason to think otherwise.
There you go. Now you're catching on. We don't really know who shot the girl, and just because some supposed "spokesman" for the Taliban says his group did it doesn't necessarily mean the Taliban really did it.
I see no reason to believe this.
LOL. The Big Corporate Media is the Big Corporate Media. That's what it is. That's its very essence.
How can it be "poisoning the well" to call something as it is? You're not making any sense.
Irrelevant. This discussion isn't about the girl's condition.
Quit deflecting.
Why is it safe to assume this? Based on what, exactly?
So? For all you know he could've been created by the intelligence community as a fake front for the Taliban, to take credit for false flag terrorist attacks that had nothing to do with the Taliban. You don't know.
How would you hear about it? Who's going to tell you that a guy working for the CIA isn't who he says he is? Really, do you have any concept of how deep politics, propaganda, espionage, and counter-intelligence works?
Good grief.
Would you believe them if they did? You'd have two different Taliban "sources" saying conflicting things.
Which side would you believe?
You've got nothing for me. I'm ten steps ahead of you already.
Why, do you believe the Taliban, or what we've been sold as the Taliban, can be taken at face value?
Based on what?
Sure, just as soon as you provide proof that there can be no alternative.
I'm waiting...
Statements from whom? What credibility do they have?
Sure it does, I'm making it work that way. To consider your media-provided narrative I'm going to want proof.
Do you have any?
LOL. Says the guy who believes whatever the Big Corporate Media tells him.

Do you even lift?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
She is obvioulsy an outliner in that religion otherwise people would not want her dead. The fact these so called "moderate" muslims who surely outnumber the evil Taliban dont stand up for themselves and fight the Taliban every waking moment of the day shows their complacency for them. Thus they are part of the problem as well.

It's easy to point at the moderates and say shame to them while typing behind a keyboard,

but I ask you this if an American in the USA has to go into hiding because she started a draw Mohammed day and people in the west are scared to mock Islam in the same manner they do Christianity,

how can we ask those that have the Taliban living among them to do what we are afraid of doing ourselves?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's easy to point at the moderates and say shame to them while typing behind a keyboard,

but I ask you this if an American in the USA has to go into hiding because she started a draw Mohammed day and people in the west are scared to mock Islam in the same manner they do Christianity,

how can we ask those that have the Taliban living among them to do what we are afraid of doing ourselves?

By being blind, egotistical, and stupid. Nice that you aren't.


Oct 6, 2009
Taliban claiming media bias with regard to this story. That concept, "media bias," I know I've heard it before somewhere, but I can't remember exactly where. I wonder if it was from people as damaged in the head as the Taliban? :whiste:


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Taliban claiming media bias with regard to this story. That concept, "media bias," I know I've heard it before somewhere, but I can't remember exactly where. I wonder if it was from people as damaged in the head as the Taliban? :whiste:

Pakistan's Taliban insurgency faces a spate of bad press in mainstream Pakistani outlets related to the jihadists' failed assassination attempt of Malala Yousafzai, a young blogger who dared protest the Taliban's ban on educating girls. Now the Taliban are plotting terror strikes on TV stations and other media organizations, but local newspapers refuse to stay silent.

Juror No. 8

Sep 25, 2012
Taliban claiming media bias with regard to this story.

LOL. You mean, putative Taliban claiming media bias.

For all you know, the guy claiming media bias against the Taliban is an intelligence operative employed by a state sponsor to be a fake Taliban mouthpiece so sheeple like you go on believing whatever War on Terror narrative you are told.

Seriously, dude, not everything you see on TV is real. Just think of it as a sort of make-believe box.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
LOL. You mean, putative Taliban claiming media bias.

For all you know, the guy claiming media bias against the Taliban is an intelligence operative employed by a state sponsor to be a fake Taliban mouthpiece so sheeple like you go on believing whatever War on Terror narrative you are told.

Seriously, dude, not everything you see on TV is real. Just think of it as a sort of make-believe box.

Juror No. 8 is direct and hits back with, "Well you can't prove anything." In classic troll fashion I predict he will demand his detractors come up with a full accounting of their epistemologies while holding that his own beliefs are above such questioning.

You're a very boring troll. You should probably switch to ponies.
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Juror No. 8

Sep 25, 2012
You're a very boring troll. You should probably switch to ponies.

If I'm a troll, then you must be troll-bait, because you keep eating out of the palm of my hand without any effort on my part.

Hell, somebody must have trained you real well. Your response is almost Pavlovian!


Oct 6, 2009
LOL. You mean, putative Taliban claiming media bias.

For all you know, the guy claiming media bias against the Taliban is an intelligence operative employed by a state sponsor to be a fake Taliban mouthpiece so sheeple like you go on believing whatever War on Terror narrative you are told.

Seriously, dude, not everything you see on TV is real. Just think of it as a sort of make-believe box.
Sorry, I should have guessed that claims of media bias were actually just fabrications by the media that is being accused. It makes total sense that it would fabricate false accusations against itself. Thank you for pointing out my ignorance. I am a better man thanks to the benefit of your wisdom.