north korea

Forum discussion tagged with north korea.
  1. norseamd

    China warns North Korea: You’re on your own if you go after the United States

    Well hopefully this takes away any chance that North Korea would actually start a war. From the Chinese state newspaper...
  2. P

    North Korean Threat Weapons in Africa are coming from North Korea. I wonder if the weapons are being delivered through China? 30,000 rocket propelled grenades were found under some iron ore heading for Egypt. Guess who these...
  3. norseamd

    Trump Wont Be Able To Handle Any Of This - Kim Jong-nam Apparently Just Assassinated

    Trump had a lousy dinner with Abe at Mar-a-Lago, Kim Jong-un decided to jump on the opportunity to launch a nuclear capable missile, both Trump and Abe make major security violations discussing classified info in front of public dinner customers, and they were also using phones as flashlights to...
  4. P

    North Korea Nuclear Test

    North Korea keeps testing ICBM's and has again done a new nuclear test. My question is are we going to wait till this maniac blows some location up with a Nuclear Bomb and kill Millions of people or are we going to do something about it? I think Obama and South Korea are too Chicken to take any...