custom pc

Forum discussion tagged with custom pc.
  1. F

    Looking to purchase a prebuilt in the UK

    Hi everyone, FF here. I'm currently living in the UK and looking for purchase a gaming PC. There are lots of sites out there that advertise gaming pcs, gaming computers and pc gaming but want to make sure I'm not steered away with fancy flash words. I have currently been looking for systems...
  2. N

    Question I wanted to build a gaming Pc anything I should Change

    I wanted to know if u know a better substitution for my parts because i am new to pc building and I have a gtx 1080 here is the parts list: Sorry Didnt Understand what you said here is the uptaded link and thanks:
  3. Machinus

    Best Case with 3x120mm Intake Fans?

    I am looking for a new ATX case, but the number of products available seems to be overwhelming. I'm a bit lost. I'm looking for a case with the following features: - Subtle tower design (no crazy polygons, spikes, tons of glass, whatever) - Stock 3 front intake fans, or at least possible to do...
  4. I

    Looking for Overwatch Capable PC

    As topic states, I'm looking for a PC that can run overwatch. I like to play with the gfx on low @1080p and a minimum of 100fps. I've been playing on my friends Alienware which is awesome but I'm not dropping 1k plus on a computer...I'm also not looking to build one.
  5. J

    If you were upgrading this PC, what would you get?

    From: Intel i5 3570 ASRock Z77 Extreme4-M G Skill Ares 8GB DDR3-1600mhz Sapphire AMD Radeon R9 270X Seagate Barracuda 2TB hard drive 7200RPM Samsung 840 EVO 120GB HDD Corsair HX 650W 80+ Gold PSU What would you get? Would you keep any of it? Assume that you could spend US$2000 and it needed to...