Recent content by tk149

  1. T

    Wisconsin Senate Passes Union Reform Legislation

    More good news More districts now could drop insurance arm of teachers union If WEA is competitive, it has nothing to fear, right?
  2. T

    High School 'Sex Quiz' goes too far?

    Not inappropriate for a psych class. Have you guys seen what's available on the internet lately?
  3. T

    Problem: Not Enough Blacks Pass Police Exam Solution: Lower Standards

    Red is allowed to troll ceaselessly regardless of his insults, racism, ignorance, or stupidity. Everyone knows this. If you are serious, you can click on the "Report Post" button in the lower right (looks like a red triangle with an exclamation point) or go to the "Personal Issues" forum...
  4. T

    College Students In These Union Protests

    The protests have been going on for four weeks now. I've been wondering who's been attending. Most people I know get 3 or 4 weeks of total vacation time per year, and I believe this is true for the majority of full-time workers. Most people I know are not willing to dump 4 weeks of vacation...
  5. T

    Unions make Wisconsin business an offer they can't refuse.

    IF M&I caves in, I'm going to stop banking with them.
  6. T

    They'll have to pry my Cap'n Crunch from my cold dead sticky hands.

    YAY! PB Crunch > Crunchberries > other Crunch >>>>>>>>>> any other cereal
  7. T

    Coffee table/Ashley Furniture rant, am I wrong?

    Yup. I've never built anything bigger than a toothpick bridge out of wood, and even I can tell that their quality is pretty bad.
  8. T

    Netflix and my PS3 are starting to annoy me...

    I had to update this last weekend and it took around 20 minutes (I think, didn't really pay attention) over Wi-Fi and a 3Mbps internet connection. I had no idea Netflix was using different interfaces. I'm fairly happy with the one I have right now. I do wish that I could see more than 5...
  9. T

    Round 2 ff 13

    When you hit "Reply" or "Quote", just above the box where you can type text is a row of buttons for Bold, Italics, Underline...SPOILER The Spoiler tag is at the end of the line on the right, and looks like "SP".
  10. T

    Round 2 ff 13

    I thought that the game was okay overall. An RPG on rails is (to me) a contradiction in terms, but that was my worst complaint about the game. Well, maybe sniveling Hope and La-La-Land Vanille were worse. After going back to playing a "traditional" RPG (Skies of Arcadia Legends) with...
  11. T

    Sacred 3 will be better than Diablo III

    I played D1 and D2 for probably hundreds of hours each. I found S2 to be repetitive, boring, and although I eventually finished the game, I wouldn't even think about doing it again. I do agree that the skill system was very good though.
  12. T

    Time for Walker to call in the National Guard

    I'm a gonna try this. /shifty eyes
  13. T

    We Dare... Wii game for swingers??!!

    Risqué Wii game We Dare pulled from release in UK
  14. T

    Because it's Friday: Bad Fortune Cookie Quotes

    "Look out behind you!"