Recent content by laxie16

  1. L

    Would mandatory dashcams on all new vehicles sold in the US be a good idea?

    Mandatory? No. If there was an incentive offered, I may listen.
  2. L

    Famous movie lines of 4 words or less.

    The D is silent.
  3. L

    Where do u buy ink for your printer?

  4. L

    China Mcdonald's can has the Sausage Double Beef Burger

    Wth? One or the other, for Christ's sake.
  5. L

    Soup recommendation for hoity toity dinner party

    Go to Walmart and buy 8 Cup o' noodles. Will cost you less than a dollar!
  6. L

    Fight: 600lbs Sumo Vs. 169lbs MMA Fighter

    The human centipede. :cool:
  7. L

    Work bathrooms

    One thing I make sure I never do is flush. I am proud of my work and want to display it for my fellow coworkers. That way they know what my wife made for dinner last night, especially if it's corn pudding. Makes for great water cooler conversation.
  8. L

    What commercials have you found awesome? /thread...lock 'er up mods.
  9. L

    is holding in your fart just as bad as holding in your pee

    At school, I personally will hold them in until class changes and I'll wait until I'm positioned in a crowded hallway so I can cropdust as many people as possible. No one will ever know the perpetrator and seeing kids nearly choking from eating my fart is priceless.
  10. L

    Implications of Impregnating Every Female on Earth

    Wilt Chamberlain accomplished this feat no more than 40 years ago.
  11. L

    The most badass scene in any movie, ever? This one does it for me. I remember getting chills when I saw it in theaters!
  12. L

    Best store bought ice cream?

    Stewart's Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup.