Recent content by destrekor

  1. destrekor

    Discussion ***Official*** 2021 Stock Market Thread

    Thoughts on CLOV, anyone?
  2. destrekor

    Jesus's middle name is Hume! Caution: Some NSFW images within!

    And while I do carry two phones at work or when I'm on call, I have also done exactly that when I only carried one phone and it was in fact left behind somewhere. ;) Depending on what you use for texting, you might be able to text from a computer or another device. That's what I did before -...
  3. destrekor

    I live right in the middle of the world's largest orgy

    Hearing them switch to a terrified screeching as they try to avoid being lunch for some bird is something I find amusing lol especially when treated to the doppler effect as one survives long enough to dart this way and that
  4. destrekor

    I live right in the middle of the world's largest orgy

    You don't even have the regular annual broods? NW Ohio seems to be devoid of brood X, but I think we have some other long-term broods that do like 5-7 year intervals? Or something like that. And definitely have the standard annual species that'll come later in summer, and for my experience...
  5. destrekor

    NON_POLITICAL China Coronavirus THREAD

    There's a lot of posts in this thread, so I figure I should just ask this way: @CZroe, @Ichinisan, didn't one or both of you some long time back, describe a scenario where a few Wuhan lab/field researchers were obtaining field samples from bat caves (in the one non-Wuhan region sometimes cited...
  6. destrekor

    [2/4 @ $88 per share] GME - Gamestop stock - anyone following this absolute MEME-HILARITY (now with Elon tweet)

    Damn I've been totally checked out of the news lately, too. No wonder I saw it pop today on my watchlist.
  7. destrekor

    NON_POLITICAL China Coronavirus THREAD

    Correct, at least that's how Ohio's lottery system works, and seems to be the norm across the USA. Unfortunately, some states also like to slash education budgets to compensate and then spend money elsewhere, so sometimes it's not as effective as it could be. I think Ohio has played games like...
  8. destrekor

    NON_POLITICAL China Coronavirus THREAD

    I could see one possible benefit, in that while all the Covid-19 vaccines are providing instructions to produce a Spike protein, the Spike proteins are different enough that they are providing ever-so-slightly different immune rates to the variants. But I agree in stressing that this is just...
  9. destrekor

    Jesus's middle name is Hume! Caution: Some NSFW images within!

    I fixed it for you. People not thinking clearly, is itself an epidemic of disastrous proportions. Darwin? Or poor local social support infrastructure in regards to public services and whatnot?
  10. destrekor

    NON_POLITICAL China Coronavirus THREAD

    While true, I'd argue that only applies to sub-100F* fevers, or "low-grade fevers." The vast majority of human pathogens just don't even tolerate much above that, and the ones that do, tend to tolerate temps well above what our own body can handle. Yet that doesn't always stop the body from...
  11. destrekor

    Jesus's middle name is Hume! Caution: Some NSFW images within!

    Not familiar with Grindr, eh? lol
  12. destrekor

    Jesus's middle name is Hume! Caution: Some NSFW images within!

    That's probably proper Crossfit form for some... "exercise"
  13. destrekor

    Rant Is anyone else annoyed that Netflix is raising their prices again?

    You know what I would like to see for these price increases? How about some increased video and audio bitrates for all content. I'm tired of the piss-poor audio above all else, and this is largely true for all streaming platforms. I mean, come on, is sub-DVD audio quality really still the...
  14. destrekor

    NON_POLITICAL China Coronavirus THREAD

    This has been getting some attention recently, I recall seeing discussion last spring. What coverage I've seen on the topic suggests it is a natural occurrence with the simple act of vaccination, as an immune system that is getting keyed up due to artificial invaders is still keyed up and thus...
  15. destrekor

    Wow. Bitcoin is almost $1,500

    Honestly, my experience has been such that support at any crypto exchange is predictably bad. At least in comparison to what we typically expect of customer support in just about any other market segment. Generally just slow, and things that users should be able to figure out on their own they...