Recent content by dANt3R

  1. D

    Need help managing a router from Linux

    Kewl! Thanks!
  2. D

    Need help managing a router from Linux

    In Windows we use Hyperterminal to connect to our routers using the Cisco roll over cable plugged in to com1 on our laptops. How would you do it in Linux? Thanks in advance.
  3. D

    Mac newbie

    I have to run 9.1 or 9.2 because that is the same operating system he is running. If I could run X I would. Running Linux doesn't help me support him, but it makes owning an iBook more worthwhile to me. :)
  4. D

    Mac newbie

    I'm a Windows guy. Sometimes I work with Linux, but for the most part I just stick with what I know. Now our new CEO wants us to support his Mac (OS 9.1) and no one here has worked with Macs since high school (many, many years ago). So my boss is on his way to pick up an iBook for me to take...
  5. D

    Disable Reply-To-All in Outlook?

    Does anyone know of a way to diable the Reply-To-All button in Outlook (98 and 2000)? I have about 7,000 users nationwide and I'd like to push out a registry hack to all of them. Thanks in advance!
  6. D

    Chewing tobacco prices skyrocket

    Yeah, the minors banned it a few years ago but not the majors
  7. D

    Chewing tobacco prices skyrocket

    rudder, I couldn't agree more. The only reason I started is because my company banned smoking within 20 feet of the building. It was just easier to sit at my desk and chew. I would never chew in public.
  8. D

    How much yall gettin paid?

    $31/hr at both full time jobs.
  9. D

    Chewing tobacco prices skyrocket

    I just went to the store to get my weekly supply of mouth cancer and found that the price of chewing tobacco has gone up almost $2!!! The clerk informed me that it's back taxes that were never applied to chewing tobacco. I checked a few more stores on the drive to work and found the same thing...
  10. D

    Internet network company

    Thanks Paulson. I didn't want to link it because I thought Anandtech was against linking to ebay.
  11. D

    Internet network company

    This was too funny not to post!! Buy your own Internet Network Company
  12. D

    Any "secret" faces for the new Yahoo Messenger?

    Cow 3 : o Skull 8 - x Clown : o ) Cowboy < ) : ) Alien = : ) Rose @ } ; - Just leave out the spaces.
  13. D

    Did/are you waiting for marriage to have sex?

    I think I'll wait until my 2nd marriage to have sex again ....
  14. D

    ~~~~ IWANNA ~~~~

    Looking for a FBI or CIA lanyard. Can't find one on ebay.