Recent content by blankslate

  1. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    Maybe it's because after years (perhaps decades) of voting for "the lesser evil" in hopes of enough actual good happening as a result too many of the voters who are wishing "good luck" to have seen enough. Who knows though.... I will note that in 2016 there were quite a lot of one or two time...
  2. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    I personally am not. I am stressing the lack of variance among different candidates on a particular issue which falls under the subject of this thread. Which I consider unfortunate. And might point to an undue influence of the Military Industrial Complex President Eisenhower spoke of, along...
  3. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    None of the top 3 most talked about candidates for President is much good at all for Palestinians. They all spout AIPAC talking points on the issue of GAZA. Trump and Biden then RFK jr. are whom I speak of. Out of all the 3rd party candidates I think RFK jr. is most well known as running by...
  4. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War There were peace talks in early 2022 to end Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This is a recent article on the subject which seems at a quick glance very neutral in tone. too bad it failed hundreds of thousands of lives (by...
  5. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    Imagine if Russia was targeting non-combatants as blatantly as the IDF has been doing... If the media had hard proof of that as it does the IDF killing children purposefully (how can it be otherwise if they can visually confirm their targets?) then we would have some few members who would be...
  6. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    Hasn't been absolutely proven but and maybe couldn't be in court but like the ICJ ruling about "high probability of a genocide taking place" to paraphrase the finding. yeah it's likely. as for your opinion about it... well do one thing and I'll accept it. Give us an as well documented an...
  7. blankslate

    What music are you listening to now?

    As someone commented sounds like influences from Joy Division and/or Interpol. sounds good to these ears. ____________
  8. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    Apparently, the costs to shoot down the (alledgedly) telegraphed attack (or retaliation) was pretty high... have to find some additional sources to confirm that (what is currently) hearsay/rumor
  9. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    Apparently you chose to omit the correction at the end of post #3094 or maybe you just never saw it. but ok. Now address the video if you will? However people might want to equate Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine and it's results (particularly in light of the oft ignored but very likely...
  10. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    Really? I stated in a previous post that I thought Putin has at least once ordered the murder/assassination of a political enemy but some just want to silo their opinions well have fun with that. BTW who was shelling...
  11. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    there was an accidental double post. but I'll place here some commentary by Matthew Hoh a former military member who ran on th green party ticket for a state legislature seat. on Russia and Ukraine situation imo it's reasonably astute and finds flaws in Russia's decisions and other actors...
  12. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    Remember it took near 2 years for Russia to start purposefully attacking Ukraine's power infrastructure as part of the strategy of the war. Yes Russia invaded but acting like the history of Russia's invasion began in early 2022 ignores certain previous events just like pretending the history of...
  13. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    I guess we will have to wait and see if get to find out whether or not Iran has hypersonic cruise missiles. __________
  14. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    perhaps in all the recriminations that seem to be flying around it would safe to remember that the history of Israel and Palestine didn't start last October, just as the history of Ukraine and Russia didn't start in the early months of 2022. ____________
  15. blankslate

    Israel: We Are At War

    First off Israel is someone who the U.S. should have influence over since we provide financial aid and weapons to their government... So their actions against civilians reflect on us. Russia is an adversary run by a person who is imho surely a person who has had people unalived for political...