Recent content by billbobaggins87

  1. B

    New Build ~$5000

    I would wait out for the new gpus from both parties to show up. CPU wise ryzen 5 or threadripper, currently Intel price wise can't compete
  2. B

    New pc. No display... what is wrong.

    This exactly. Have fun Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  3. B

    New pc. No display... what is wrong.

    Hard to see but do you not have a cpu cooler? (Spam removed)
  4. B

    DRAM prices to keep increasing through 2017

    Looking like by the time Vega shows up dram process will have cooled down. And hasn't shown anything good on drop date. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  5. B

    Does a 1+ year mouse actually exist?

    My original razer naga lasted 3+ years however since then ive had 2 of the 2014 die well under a year. Presently using a Logitech g502 for over a year now.. no issues yet.
  6. B

    Who here has the G502 mouse?

    ive got the g502. absolutely love it. its the best mouse ive ever had. yes you can reprogram every button on this mouse. as well as get rid of the stupid aim slow. I use this mouse with every weight. very smooth
  7. B

    Official: Focus RS to sport 345 HP

    in 2-3 years i was going to consider a mustang but the rs seems to be pulling me toward it. after a few years the aftermarket should be picking up steam.
  8. B

    Battlefield 1 released!

    BF3 killed me and the shit punkbuster problems made me literally give up on them.
  9. B

    Nexus 6 instead of 6P ?

    I've got a 128g 6p and If i were going to upgrade at the price point your considering i would go for the 5x
  10. B

    Time for a new smartphone [Android]

    Soo you have a 6p in hand? im confused... If you do just stick with it. I myself have a 128gb on its way. Otherwise pickup a 5x 16gb at roughly that 300 mark
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    signed up for this the day they had it avail and got nothing :/
  12. B

    Moto X Pure Edition vs Nexus 6P

    I was all in on the motoxpure until i realized it's equipped with micro usb charging. I'm not sure about you guys/girls but i absolutely hate micro usb charging. it takes about 1 year for it to goto shit. here i am with my S4 spending a minute trying to get the perfect angle for the phone tot...
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    Heroes of the Storm

    My largest gripe in this game unless they changed it was the lack of reward for outplyaing people.
  14. B

    Sport car question

    Op what did you always want as a kid? what drives your desire in a car? picking a car out of public opinion wont make you happy. however going after something you've always wanted will. You know what it is and dont need to ask anyone. because at the end of the day the car sitting in your...
  15. B

    How do you overclock?

    your asking all the questions that OC guides give you on your hardware. Read a guide. its all there. especially the TEMPs and voltage recommendations. listed from manufacturer as well as what people have been experiencing.