NEW: List some movies you've watched recently. Theatre, rental, TV... and give a */10

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Jan 14, 2013
Picture me as angry as the Colonel in "A Few Good Men".

OK, maybe not. I'm too old to care THAT much :)

But I do feel humanity is going to become like cockroaches in the distant future where women start birthing other women without fertilization and men become a speck, on the run for their lives and hiding in fear. If I get re-incarnated in that age, I hope I'm not one of the cruel women who hunt men.
You need to take like a mescaline trip out in the desert for a few days where women hug you and stuff and y'all talk it out and try to rewire your brain. It's all backwards in regards to anything gender related.
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Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Arcane S01 (Netflix) - 11/10

This is an animated series but the quality is off the charts. I'd even put it ahead of Attack on Titan.

It's hard to describe the ethos of the show but steam-punk, scifi, fantasy comes pretty close. Even the acting is more in line with what you'd expect from a live-action drama.

Of course it also has its "squishier" spots but that can be as much a compliment as a criticism.

Season 02 is scheduled for November so you have plenty of time to get up to speed. I found it pretty intense but I'm a very delicate snow flake. The point being that you might want to approach it gradually and maybe space it out an episode at a time.


Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
True Detective S04 - 6/10 (HBO)

The first season of TD has simply never been paralleled in my opinion. Jody Foster is quite good as are most of the Inuit actors but it reminds me a little of LOST - lots of promises, but not many kept.
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Diamond Member
May 15, 2015
Pennyworth S01 (Epix) - 9/10

That would be "Pennyworth" as in Alfred Pennyworth - Batman's man servant.

It falls broadly in the category of alternate reality, much like Batman itself, but you feel it much more with this series especially from a North American POV. Not sure how it would be perceived in the UK.

The plot does have holes but I suspect that even if you notice them, you won't be concerned.

The background is essentially the alt reality's version of the early 60's, so you get some cool background music if nothing else.


Jun 3, 2011
i watched

1. A Dangerous Method -

2. Pride And Prejudice (no zombies) -

both starring Keira Knightley, both well filmed, both incredibly boring. A Dangerous Method is the story of the early years of psychiatry, with Jung, Freud and (Knightley) Spielrein, schizophrenic who was first Jung's patient, and then lover, then psychiatrist. While this film may be of some interest in those who study psychiatry, for the history (i understand it's fairly faithful), it is an extremely boring film with a plot that is in no way suitable for a film; and Knightley's ridiculous overacting as a schizophrenic is absolutely atrocious. 5/10

Pride And Prejudice is the adaptation of the book, it's identical in plot and dialogues, and if for some weird reason you're into Jane Austen, then this may be for you, but i see it as a film that only women would watch. It was painful to sit through. 6/10

3. A Man In Full -

Netflix miniseries starring Jeff Daniels; i figured, since i loved The Newsroom so much, i should like this, but unfortunately the dialogues are boring, there is a singly long opverarching story that holds no interest to me, the character are bland, flat and boring. 5/10

4. Time After Time -

1979 film starring Malcolm McDowell as H.G.Wells and his fantabulous time-travelling machine, it doesn't hold a candle to the 1960 OR the 2002 versions. Here the plot is intertwined with Jack the Ripper, who travels forward in time to escape justice. McDowell follows suit and they wind up in 1970s america, and from here on the film looks like that Star Trek bit from when they land in San Francisco, with the meat of the film being how McDowell from the 1800s is fascinated by normal 1970s stuff like money and cars.
Otherwise, the main plot is bad.


5. Fallout -

.. which i really didn't think was anything special.
I am aware that this show is being very well received, but i found it empty of any meaningful content. I didn't like doe-eyed protagonist Ella Purnell, i found Goggins to stick out like a sore thumb with his ridiculous cowboy impersonation, and while the production is impressive, i'm not sure i like the weird colorful alternate-1950s style of Fallout to begin with; it's ok in a 1990s videogame, but i wanted more wasteland and less 486-era-graphics sets.
.. and the action is bad and pointless. But the Brotherhood was cool, and the character of the Squire was by far the best thing - THIS is what i expect from a Fallout live-action series. The cartoonish villains don't work for me, and i don't think the show understands how to use violence, because when you make it over the top, it becomes a comedy, at which point there's no ghoul, mutant or mutilation that can make me scared for the protagonist. 6.5/10
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Jul 27, 2020

The girl is beautiful and gives a decent performance but sadly didn't get enough screen time. The twins and their bickering was really annoying. Wanted to smack them both. They did get wiser at the end, after suffering great loss. Nic Cage was underutilized. The monsters were dumb and even dumber was how the main characters kept staying unharmed even with a monster on top of them. High score only coz of the girl and some nice scenery.


I found this movie very meaningful. The leads had a damn good chemistry and their relationship was beautiful enough that it could bring someone to tears if they were feeling lonely and unloved. Definitely one of the better movies I've seen this year. Sadly it won't win any awards. You need to watch the movie to understand the meaning behind the movie's title. The movie ends philosophically and I loved that. Left me feeling good and warm inside. Don't watch if you are annoyed by teenagers and their issues.


Jun 3, 2011
i watched The Duke -

A not-great film starring the excellent Jim Broadbent, which is the IRL story of Kempton Bunton, a quirky brit who in the 60s stole a famous painting, then returned it, and was acquitted in court.

.. so this weird guy was a pensioner; he hated having to pay for the TV license, and was campaigning for the license to be made free for pensioners. And one day he just walks to the back alley of the national gallery, and steals a million-pounds painting. Then he anonymously told the newspapers he would return it if the value of the painting was used to pay for tv licenses for war veterans, and when nothing came of it, decided to return the painting, leading to his arrest, and a much publicized trial.
Given that this was "old england", the court found him to be a good citizen and let him off.

Frankly, the only part worth watching is the last half hour, of the trial. Because this is a "serious" film, while the judge, barristers and Bunton himself get to have some good dialogues, during the rest of the film the dialogues "need to be normal", or in other words, boring. This is another film where the IRL inspiration just does not have enough material for a full-length film, like the film The Dig, about the historically very important Sutton Hoo discovery, AND it's got Ralph Fiennes, but it's just not enough filmworthy stuff to make up the full runtime. Would not recommend, or rather, i'd recommend you just watch the last half hour.

5.5/10 but 6.5/10 for the trial bit.
Jul 27, 2020

I found this movie very meaningful. The leads had a damn good chemistry and their relationship was beautiful enough that it could bring someone to tears if they were feeling lonely and unloved. Definitely one of the better movies I've seen this year. Sadly it won't win any awards. You need to watch the movie to understand the meaning behind the movie's title. The movie ends philosophically and I loved that. Left me feeling good and warm inside. Don't watch if you are annoyed by teenagers and their issues.

Someone on imdb who gave it a 6/10 was still impressed with the acting:

I thought the acting here was pretty good for one, Isabela Merced is amazing as the lead role here and she does a great job at portraying the intense amount of anxiety that her character feels and both the way it looks on the outside and the way it sounds inside her own head... cannot wait to see what she does in "Alien Romulus" which is in fact my most anticipated role and if she brings this level of emotion to that movie her performance there is gonna be excellent as well. However; her co stars are pretty good in this movie as well, most notably Felix Mallard who plays Davis the primary love interest, and who also seems to be the most popular due to his role in the Netflix show "Ginny and Georgie" which I kind of know but have never actually watched - and also the other main side character of the film Daisy, played by Cree Cicchino who hilariously writes "Star Wars" fan-fiction and that's the only interesting thing about her entire character.
Jul 27, 2020
i watched

1. A Dangerous Method -

2. Pride And Prejudice (no zombies) -

both starring Keira Knightley, both well filmed, both incredibly boring. A Dangerous Method is the story of the early years of psychiatry, with Jung, Freud and (Knightley) Spielrein, schizophrenic who was first Jung's patient, and then lover, then psychiatrist. While this film may be of some interest in those who study psychiatry, for the history (i understand it's fairly faithful), it is an extremely boring film with a plot that is in no way suitable for a film; and Knightley's ridiculous overacting as a schizophrenic is absolutely atrocious. 5/10

Pride And Prejudice is the adaptation of the book, it's identical in plot and dialogues, and if for some weird reason you're into Jane Austen, then this may be for you, but i see it as a film that only women would watch. It was painful to sit through. 6/10
You Keira Knightley hater, you!

Just her being in a movie makes it at least 6.5/10!
Jul 27, 2020
5. Fallout -

.. which i really didn't think was anything special.
I am aware that this show is being very well received, but i found it empty of any meaningful content. I didn't like doe-eyed protagonist Ella Purnell, i found Goggins to stick out like a sore thumb with his ridiculous cowboy impersonation, and while the production is impressive, i'm not sure i like the weird colorful alternate-1950s style of Fallout to begin with; it's ok in a 1990s videogame, but i wanted more wasteland and less 486-era-graphics sets.
.. and the action is bad and pointless. But the Brotherhood was cool, and the character of the Squire was by far the best thing - THIS is what i expect from a Fallout live-action series. The cartoonish villains don't work for me, and i don't think the show understands how to use violence, because when you make it over the top, it becomes a comedy, at which point there's no ghoul, mutant or mutilation that can make me scared for the protagonist. 6.5/10


Jan 14, 2013
Hacks - Season 3 - HBO - first two episodes are out and it's still going well. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

Sugar - AppleTV - Film noir inspired stylistically with Colin Farrell, who is great in this. It took me a bit to get into it but it's rolling along well and the sci fi part of it that reviews mentioned rears its head in the last aired episode and now it's up to how they finish off the series with that plot twist.

Fallout - Season 1 - Prime - probably only mentioned this in the Fallout thread but this series was very good. I never played a game but know about the plot and have seen trailers and read a review or two about the overall vibe. Brother in law used to tell me all about it. What a fun and very well produced show. It takes you to this other all too real and all too ridiculous world, that all makes sense because humans are involved. The world building is immersive and well done. Goggins is fantastic. It makes strong commentary on the human condition in so many ways. Plenty of meaning to be found in this romp.


Jun 3, 2011
i watched Godzilla Minus One -

Very good, if somewhat simple film. All in Japanese, with subtitles.

Godzilla is a relatively minor part of the film. The story centers on Koichi Shikishima, young Kamikaze pilot who, in the final days of the war, chickens out from suiciding himself against a American Gunkan, and instead lands at a small island airfield. Resting and waiting for inevitable death, the island is attacked by Godzilla. Koichi is once again a coward and indirectly causes the death of all his companions.

Fast forward to the post-war period, Koichi is working on de-mining ships. His ship once again runs into Godzilla, and they flee to tell the government to prepare the anti-godzilla defenses. At the same time, there is the story of Koichi living in shame, as a "former kamikaze pilot" is obviously a sign that he deserted his duty; cowardice is *not* something that 1940s Japan takes lightly.

Eventually Godzilla arrives and rekks most of the city, following which the government devises an ingenuous plan to defeat the monster. Koichi takes part by flying a aircraft meant to bait Godzilla into a trap, and at the same time Koichi also dreams of suiciding himself against Godzilla to regain his honour.

The film is incredibly well done. Compare this to other CGI-heavy films, like Gods Of Egypt or Jupiter Rising, and Godzilla Minus One is much, MUCH better. Godzilla itself is depicted as more of a destructive force of nature rather than an evil entity, it's dumb and animalistic and aimless, destroying buildings and squashing people without even noticing. Special effects are superb, and the cinematography is very good throughout, as is the acting. Dialogues unfortunately are limited to subtitles, unless you understand Japanese.

I would recommend this to pretty much anyone; it's got both a very human story in Koichi's struggle with having been raised in a society that demands people to kill themselves in suicide missions, but also has some spectacular brainless moment that will give joy to the heart of the most fanatic Transformers fan. It's a simple film, but it's worth watching, probably even more than the original 1954 film, which follows very similar themes.



Jan 14, 2013
Excited to start watching Dark Matter tonight on AppleTV - a sci fi parallel dimension type mindbender, based on a bestseller (like Silo & Foundation) - I gotta hand it to AppleTV, they have been killing it with quality sci fi series. So really looking forward to what is likely another good show. They don't put out a lot of shows but they have a great hit rate for good stuff.


Jun 3, 2011
Excited to start watching Dark Matter tonight on AppleTV - a sci fi parallel dimension type mindbender, based on a bestseller (like Silo & Foundation) - I gotta hand it to AppleTV, they have been killing it with quality sci fi series. So really looking forward to what is likely another good show. They don't put out a lot of shows but they have a great hit rate for good stuff.
i watched one episode only, found it confusing and not interesting. let me know if it gets better further down the line.

I watched .. the entire S01 of Sandman -

It's not perfect, but it's good.

It's only 10 episodes. The first 3-4 deal with the initial plot of the novels, where the Sandman is captured by a human wizard, and is eventually freed and proceeds to rip a new asshole to everyone involved.
The other 6 episodes have a different protagonist, a young girl who has special dreaming powers, but also because of this is a threat to the world. This was less interesting.
The show is also massively over-representing when it comes to minorities and the LGBTBBQ, but it's still ok because it's not ABOUT that, it's just how they choose to cast. The dialogues, acting and visuals are all very good. It's not Shogun-level of excellent, but it's pretty damn good, even for those who did read the novels.

7.5/10 - for those who think Sandman actor Tom Sturridge is wooden, well, that's what the character is like, even in the novels.
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Jun 3, 2011
i have re-watched a classic, Cast A Deadly Spell -

1991 Made-for-tv HBO flick about a Mika-Hammer-esque private investigator in 1940s america, but with magic. But he don't use magic. Because he's hard boiled, mmk?

Some rich guy who wants wealth / power / 'mmortality hires him to bring back a stolen Necronomicon; there's big zombie henchmen, dames, gangsters, gargoyles. It's your typical film noir script with every trope in the book, and depending on how you look at it, it can be a cheesy-ass cringey spoof, or it can be an actually-allright detective story, and i settle for the latter.
Fred Ward is the PI. Julianne Moore is the dame. Special effects are shit and it's filmed in grainy 4:3 with some of the worst photography in the history of cinema, so i won't criticize if you skip this, but for the aficionados,

7/10 - 6/10 for the film itself but +1 point for historical significance; there's just so many people that for some reason love this little tv-film.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Agree with that though you scored the movie too high. Maybe you really wanted to see something lighthearted I guess. I think Gosling as Ken was appalling. I didn't like that the movie punished men for being men. Ken didn't even get a proper french kiss!

Women seem to forget that men being the way they are, have created the world around them in which they live comfortably and are able to shop till they drop. Who built the factories, the inventions that streamlined everything and the malls and supermarkets? Which majority gender in the military is willing to lay down their life for their country? It's funny when women mock the very shadow under which they enjoy their relatively carefree lives. Yes, there are plenty of bad men in the world who do horrible things to women but punishing all men for the actions of a few by making a complete mockery of human males in a movie about a stupid doll is just too much. This is only going to teach young girls that men are nothing but glorified servants for them and they can mess with their heads all they want coz men are so desperate for feminine beauty that they will put up with just about anything.

Sorry, had to vent.

you clearly didn't see this movie, because they actually treated men the complete opposite of what you said here.

That, and well I think we've all noticed, your brain is irreparably fucked by some incel nonsense when it comes to how you relate to women. The message here is actually very sympathetic to the role that the Barbie world has created for men. You don't seem to have a very critical eye because it is wholly brain-fucked by your ignorant, toxic thinking.

seek help.
Jul 27, 2020
you clearly didn't see this movie, because they actually treated men the complete opposite of what you said here.
I wouldn't want to be Ken in that movie or that version of Ken in real life, no matter the benefits. It was a complete emasculation of men.

Why is it so hard for feminists to understand that truly capable women are fewer in numbers than men? I have a female HR Head and boy, is she domineering, completely irrational in her decision making and only concerned about looking good instead of solving HR issues. I regret seeing an email from her in my inbox. It's usually bad news for the employees. Plenty of other examples you can see for yourself in life, if you stopped giving women an overwhelming benefit of the doubt.


Jun 3, 2011
you clearly didn't see this movie, because they actually treated men the complete opposite of what you said here.

That, and well I think we've all noticed, your brain is irreparably fucked by some incel nonsense when it comes to how you relate to women. The message here is actually very sympathetic to the role that the Barbie world has created for men. You don't seem to have a very critical eye because it is wholly brain-fucked by your ignorant, toxic thinking.

seek help.
dude, rude.
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Jun 3, 2011
When *I* watched Barbie (with my vastly superior intelligence) i didn't think it was in any way a, you know, pro-feminist film.

At the start of the film you got Barbie and Ken; both are pretty fucking dumb people, because they are the representation of the toy in its early years. Both are simple dolls whose characteristics are "good looking and uber-normal".
There is a tiny bit of a power play between Barbie and Ken, which again is reasonably a reflection of the toy market - Barbie was super-popular, Ken was a shit doll that boys didnt play with (it was the rich girls who had Kens), at most a boy would have a GI Joe, yet still dolls aren't toys that boys normally play with. Maybe a Masters Of The Universe.
But, Barbie is just as stupid and shallow as Ken is.

Then they go into the real world, and BOTH are confused by the social situation. Ken "learns about the patriarchy" is, if anything, an attack on the feminist overuse of the word and how it's pictured to be an all-encompassing conspiracy theory that PATRIACHY RULES THE WORLD. Obviously Ken being a complete moron misunderstands this and thinks that the what above is actually real.
Barbie too misunderstands the lessons of the real world, and represents the rabid feminist who simply wants to destroy everything, blind to the fact that the GRRRL POWER is actually destroying who they are.

Then they have the final showoff, and REASON TRIUMPHS, where Barbies and Kens realize that they need to work together, rather than to try to oppress one another.

If anything, i found the themes to be anti-woke. Sure, the themes were not much on-the-nose, but i guess they did that to avoid a cancellation scandal. And maybe the odd woke shit bits managed to seep in anyway, but hey that's 2023 for ya.
Jul 27, 2020
Then they have the final showoff, and REASON TRIUMPHS, where Barbies and Kens realize that they need to work together, rather than to try to oppress one another.
That's the part I probably didn't pay attention to, because I was mentally exhausted towards the end. They could've made it a simple romantic fun movie, kinda like the Barbie music video. Anyway, not giving the movie a second chance. Once was torture enough.


Jun 3, 2011
yeah, everything is great in great britain. Hey remember when i said doctor who was the best thing on tv? - 31% audience score

yeah, that.
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Jul 27, 2020
yeah, that.
That Christmas special you posted about with David Tenant was pretty good, even though I had no idea what was going on. Got sidetracked by something else. Need to find on which flash drive it is and finish it (I've like at least 30 or 40 flash drives. Can't resist getting a new one coz they are so cheap and cute).