Arizona Supreme Court upholds civil war era law banning all abortions. Another purple state may turn solidly blue.

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Jun 4, 2004


Aug 5, 2000
Once again the right proves they really don’t have any principles

Not only that, they also don't have the tiniest itty-bittiest smidgins of smarts to realize they've been fucking themselves over trying to disguise Trump as the coolest thing since sliced bread when he's been committing political seppuku every time he opens his yapper. It's been a losing battle for them from the get-go yet they're still insisting Trump is good to go, all fart pumping cylinders firing in peak form.

That dream world they're living in has been vaporizing from the moment Trump coughed up his first lie as a pres. candidate 'til this very moment where he's been held liable for crimes and indicted more times than I can keep track of, with more to come. And even if he loses this time around, the damage he's caused to the nation, it's reputation and it's allies will last for decades into the future.


Oct 22, 1999
Once again the right proves they really don’t have any principles
They do, they just lie about them. They figured out years ago their extreme right policies weren't popular so they lie about them during the campaign then do whatever they want when elected. They know their base won't actually punish them for it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
They do, they just lie about them. They figured out years ago their extreme right policies weren't popular so they lie about them during the campaign then do whatever they want when elected. They know their base won't actually punish them for it.
Republicans only really have one thing they 'want to do', and that's to cut taxes and regulations on rich people. This is why every Republican administration starts off with a giant, regressive tax cut, and then mostly sits around doing nothing. They just don't really have anything else to do.


Oct 22, 1999
Republicans only really have one thing they 'want to do', and that's to cut taxes and regulations on rich people. This is why every Republican administration starts off with a giant, regressive tax cut, and then mostly sits around doing nothing. They just don't really have anything else to do.
They also greatly believe in restricting rights for non-white males and if given the power will definitely pass a national abortion ban. Just like that have in every state they control.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The Arizona Republicans know the citizens' initiative to protect abortion rights in the state's constitution would pass on its merits so they're developing schemes to muddy the waters and confuse voters. Adding similar sounding initiatives to the ballot that do the exact opposite of what the title says is a favorite tactic. When you know your policies are wildly unpopular, lie about them.



Jan 14, 2013
They also greatly believe in restricting rights for non-white males and if given the power will definitely pass a national abortion ban. Just like that have in every state they control.
Yep. There's that too. I mean, easy to overlook right? Oh and also dismantle what little social safety nets we do have in this country, and dismantle any government that doesn't work for the rich and corporations.

You know, just a couple other small things maybe worthy of note.
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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The Arizona House voted to repeal the 1864 abortion ban. It will likely pass the Senate and be signed by the governor. There is a possibility that the rabidly anti-women Republican Speaker will refuse to send the bill to the Governor, requiring another vote to override him. Three Republicans voted with the entire Dem caucus to get it done. The three Reps were immediately stripped of their committee roles by the Rep Speaker.

The repeal of the 1864 law, while a good thing no matter what, will help continued Republican efforts to repress women. The Reps are proceeding with their plan to add as many as three competing abortion propositions on the November ballot to dilute support for the citizens' initiative. The goal is to confuse and distract the voters as the citizens' initiative is broadly supported by Arizonans.

Mar 11, 2004
Katie Hobbs signed the bill repealing the old law, but it'll be months before the repeal will go in and there's other issues. Plus it'll just go back to the shitty law that Doucebag signed while he was gov'nuh.
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Nov 17, 2019
There IS, in fact a conspiracy here to subvert human rights.

It turns out that The Bolicks (interesting name considering the British slang term) met at a far Right(nut) gathering and are closely connected to Clarence, yeah THAT Clarence.

"Her husband, Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick, was part of the majority that voted in April to restore the near-total ban."​
"Shawnna and Clint Bolick met in Washington at an event hosted by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research institute. They have long been friends with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — a godfather to one of Clint Bolick’s sons — and his conservative political activist wife, Ginni."​
"After the 2020 presidential election, Ginni Thomas sent emails urging Republican lawmakers in Arizona — including Shawnna Bolick — to choose their own electors to undo Joe Biden's victory in the state. Bolick, then a state representative, introduced a bill the following year to rewrite Arizona's election laws to give state lawmakers the power to reject election results “at any time before the presidential inauguration.” Her proposal died before coming to a vote."​
But, there may be hope:

"Their conservative credentials haven’t shielded them from criticism as Clint Bolick seeks another six-year term on the bench, and his wife, who was appointed last year to represent her northern Phoenix district, faces a primary challenge on July 30."​
"A progressive group also launched a campaign targeting Justices Bolick and Kathryn King — both of them voted to restore the 160-year-old abortion ban and are up for retention election in November.​
“Arizonans have a constitutional right to hold judges and justices accountable,” said Abigail Jackson, digital coordinator for Progress Arizona. “So we want to let Arizonans know that these two particular justices will be on the ballot in November and to direct some of their energy towards unseating them.” "​