Zalman CNPS700B-CU Questions


Junior Member
Feb 25, 2002
In my quest for a quieter system, I'm trying to find replacement a replacement HSF for this system:
Athlon 64 FX-53 (Retail HSF, Socket 939)
Abit AV8 Mobo
Antec TruePower 480W PSU
eVGA GeForce 6800 Ultra
Cooler Master Praetorian Case

My current contenter for loudest component is my CPU HSF, so I think it's going to get replaced first. MrK6 suggested I go with the Zalman CNPS7000B-Cu as a good quiet alternative to the stock HSF.

My questions are these...
Has anyone here ever used this HSF with my motherboard and CPU?
If so, are there any issues with this big thing hitting any other mobo components?
Does it provide ample cooling? (I'm not overclocking.)

Thanks in advance guys.



Jul 22, 2004
I have a AMD64 3500+ on a Asus A8V so I can't help on whether it will fit on your board.
However I do have a Zalman CNPS7000B-AlCu I never installed the stock HSF so I don't know how it compares however I have heard that the stock AMD64 HSFs are relatively quiet (relative to other stock HSFs not the Zalman that is).

Anyway my Bios reports the following idle temps.
61C at Max speed, which is a fairly quiet humm
53C at Min speed, which is basically silent.

these temps are with artic silver 5. I suspect however that either the BIOS is reporting the wrong temps or it is not installed properly as these seem a little high.
So I can't say for sure how good the zalman is at cooling but it is certainly quiet and I have read nothing but good reports about them.

My main reason for writing is that I also have a 6800 Ultra (BFG not eVGA) and I think that the fan on that makes way too much noise. So the benefit I get from the Zalman is wasted. Currently I am looking at quieter VGA cooling options and even conscidering a Zalman Reserator 1 water cooling system with VGA block (this is probably overkill for you but I want a really quiet system).

Anyway my point is you might want to check that the HSF is the loudest component ie try running PC without Graphics card inserted and have a listen. you may want to change your HSF as well but it might not be the first thing to quieten.