I was thinking, rather then going out online every time to install an app, is there such thing as a yum proxy server, where I point all my machines to that server as a repository, so when I do a yum install NNN it actually requests it to the proxy, if the proxy does not have that particular app, then it checks the real repositories, and then sends it down? This would be awesome for doing updates to many machines, or keeping local archive copies of software. In some cases the internet is not always available so it's nice to have a local copy of everything.
If yum does not have it, does apt have it? This is crucial especially if I decide to switch to linux for my desktop, as I like keeping local copies of all apps I install to be up and running asap in the even of having to reformat, or if a certain app becomes unavailable (ex: they go commercial and start charging).
If yum does not have it, does apt have it? This is crucial especially if I decide to switch to linux for my desktop, as I like keeping local copies of all apps I install to be up and running asap in the even of having to reformat, or if a certain app becomes unavailable (ex: they go commercial and start charging).