your stupid tech support stories


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2000
geez, salespeople really deserve to be shot. I went for a browse at my local harvey normans (equivilant to compUSA but australian) not intending to buy anything and saw a generic prebuilt computer with the generic marketing phrases. However, the phrases, blistering fast celeron 566mhz processor and 3D now! chipset didnt seem to quite work together (unless intel has just bought AMD out). when i alerted a underpaid, useless salesperson about this he refered it to the maneger who then attempted to bribe me by reducing the price by $100 which meant it was about twice as expensive as a self-built by my estimates.

At the same store a couple of years ago, they had a couple of display machines at the back of the store which were protected by a windows screensaver password to stop people mucking around with them. Needless to say, I just rebooted and mucked around with them as well as changing the password so the salespeople could be extremly embarassed. After about a week of this, I went back and there was a technician there opening up a computer and replacing harddrives. When I asked him what was wrong, he said that the harddrive was faulty and kept altering the password file so he was replacing the hard drive. I didnt go there for ages then so the technician probably concluded that he was right after all.

At our school, we get a couple of lazy tech support guys who basically know jack all. When I went in there to see if I could weasel my way into a new laptop paid by warrant due to a blown pixel on my screen, they claimed that the cause of the problem was.. wait for it.. I was pressing the keys too hard when I typed and it was stressing the computer.

post your stories about dumb salespeople/tech support


Senior member
Dec 30, 2000
I had one sales guy try to tell me that the dot pitch of a monitor (which, by the way, was .45!) was caused by the video card. So, I played along with him for a bit, making him really think I was going to buy the monitor. I asked him which video card he reccommended for reducing dot pitch (I had indicated to him that I had an S3 Virge video card with 4MB RAM). He told me that my video card was a "really good" card (this was at a time when the Voodoo 3 was just about to come out). I eventually walked out of the store while his back was turned.

P.S. - Pressing the keys too hard stressing the computer?!?:confused:


Platinum Member
Dec 3, 2000
I wasted four weeks on a slot motherboard, and the company two round trips with the courier, all because their STUPID tech support couldn't identify AMIBIOS beep codes. You see, the slot retention mechanism wasn't quite right, and every time I inserted the processor there was a tiny gap on one side of lacking contact, which I discovered with a torch eventually.
Don't sell what you don't understand- that's my advice.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2000
i have a sales person told me that the memory stick they sell has gold plated, better quality then the non gold plated, that is why is more expensive.
as far as i know all sdram memory stick is gold plated
then he try to convience me that the newer motherboard need memory stick to be gold plated, that is why generic memory stick have compatibility problem, because they are not gold plated.
I must wondering if he actually got people to believe that.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2000
Harvey Norman = rip off!!
I went there once, and never again!! :)
There sales people are pretty brainless when it comes to computers.