your advice on partitions and setup for a win2k,win2003, red hat,mandrake

holden j caufield

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 1999
currently I have a win2k and win 2003 server RC2 on the same HD and red hat 8 and on a different HD. I just switch out the caddies on my dell laptop although this is inconveinent. I just got a 40gb lappy drive and am looking to triple boot or quad boot. In 2 weeks I will be attending a MS conference and will get the final release of win2003. I'm also in the process of downloading red hat 9.0 and knoppix(which will prob be run off cd only but maybe installed on the HD. As this will be the first time I've combined a windows and linux install on the same physical drive I could definitely use some advice. I know this will be done a couple of times until I get it like I want but any advice to speed up the process would be great thanks?