Found this on Blizzard's fourms and had to share it:
Later in the same post:
Later in the same post:
I remember the time when I was trying to diagnose the problem with my IP protocol when my LCD display went out. I thought it might have been an issue with the AC current, but apparently not. I checked my RAM memory afterwards, but it was fine. My HD drive checked out, too. It then occurred to me that my earlier problem with my IP protocol might have had something to do with the DNS system. But alas, I was startled by what sounded like an ICBM missile flying overhead.
After that, I started to become frustrated at the thought of all the IM messages and IRC chat I was missing. I started to reminisce about how things were so much easier when I only had to fiddle with Microsoft's MS-DOS.
Finally I got fed up, found the UPC code for my computer, and took the whole thing back to the sells guy at Best Buy who sold it to me. I think he might have the HIV Virus...but that's a whole 'nother story.