isn't a Hot Pack use to treat muscles cramps?
isn't a Hot Pack use to treat muscles cramps?
you know whats a Hot Pack is?
just wondering. if i sudden ask to you random people whats a hot pack is would you people know?
......i didnt know too. someone long ago mention it and i didnt understand. turns out it was a RC battery.
News flash. The English Language is ambiguous. In many cases the names of items do not describe their function, and without context you'd never know what they are. For instance, I work in an industrial environment where many of the terms we use daily are never used outside our four walls. What's a head? In our case it's a spindle head unit. Costs around $40,000. Or, it's the cylinder head we machine. Or, it's the pressure one of our hydraulic pumps puts out.
What's that? You didn't know that? Hohoho. Flaming idiot.
I don't think he was trolling or acting like he knows something you don't.
He was just asking if anyone knew that a hot pack was another name for a battery pack.
Of course hot pack could mean many things. That's why he was asking.
Hohoho, over sensitive idiot.
I don't think he was trolling or acting like he knows something you don't.
He was just asking if anyone knew that a hot pack was another name for a battery pack.
Of course hot pack could mean many things. That's why he was asking.
Hohoho, over sensitive idiot.