YEAH, they were.
FINE people! You want to keep your precious Eakers? YOU WANT THAT? She an;t take a joke, and I guess the mod's can't either.
Everyone else seems to be able to laugh about their own chops. Eakers didn't even get to complain! I got chopped all to hell, and I laughed! I CAN TAKE A JOKE! It's FREAKING FUNNY!
You want her, fine. You can't find a sense of humor, fine, mods. This is the last straw. I will take myself, my posts, my tutorials, my chops, ME in general, ELSEWHERE. You get what you want, I guess, HUH? :|
Maybe I'll be back. Probably not. No more chops or tutorials, though. You can do as you please and have your juicy little attention-grubbing Eakers and humorless mods.
BYE, People! It was fun. :|:|:|:|
Look Maul, while I'm on watch no one is going to single out another member for ridicule. If that means you leave then so be it.