You ever chase a bear out of your garage with a baseball bat?


Jun 23, 2001

This dude did.

SAMMAMISH, Wash. -- A Sammamish man who came face to face with bears inside his garage told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News he went after them with a baseball bat and is prepared in case the 300-pound animals return.

Eric Radtke told reporter David Quinlan that he was at home on Sunday when he saw two bears entering his garage. He chased them, aluminum bat in hand, as they fled across the street and into the woods, leaving a trail of trash behind.

"I was pounding on the concrete, making as much noise as I can," Radtke said.

He said he saw the bears four different times on Sunday. He showed claw and bite marks on his garbage cans to prove it.

When asked what it's like going face-to-face with a bear, Radtke said, "You probably have to change your underwear after you do it. It's not fun."

Radtke has armed himself in case the bears return. At the direction of the Fish and Wildlife Department, he purchased a paint ball gun, wasp spray and an air horn. But Radtke said he doesn't want a fight; he just wants them caught.

The problem is that there's no place to put them if they are caught.

Fish and Wildlife said there is still too much snow in the mountains and that trapping and relocating a bear will only delay the problem, not solve it.

"We can't take a bear from Sammamish, take them to North Bend and let them loose there," said Kim Chandler of the Department of Fish and Wildlife. "It's either going to be a problem for someone else there or he'll back in Sammamish in 48 hours."

Radtke said he feels hopeless and has no plans on going after the bears again with his bat.

"I would not recommend it. Don't try this at home," he said.

Instead he plans to keep his garbage locked up and watch for paw prints in his yard.

"I totally feel alone in what I can do to protect my family," he said.

Fish and Wildlife said that unless the bears show aggressive behavior, it will not put out traps. And if officials capture and relocate a bear, they will have to kill the animal if it decides to come back.

I think he may need to upgrade his weaponry slightly though. I don't think a paintball gun is going to do more than piss off the bear. :p


Mar 4, 2011
Airhorn, wasp spray and paintball gun is more than enough to scare the fuck out of the bear outside of his turf.

Too bad if the bear commits on his turf (protecting his cubs), you're fuckng screwed.


Feb 8, 2000
I feel bad for the bears. Once they make a habit of "visiting" urban areas, they eventually get shot.


Apr 19, 2001
No, I'm starting with neighborhood kids and working my way up to bears. It's working though, the kids see the bat and they take off like a priest was after them.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
NO but one mourning I was leaving for work and thought A my excellent compatriot was in my garbage when I went over to chase him off it was a small black bear . We called it in and I trailed it threw the woods.


Jul 28, 2006
NO but one mourning I was leaving for work and thought A my excellent compatriot was in my garbage when I went over to chase him off it was a small black bear . We called it in and I trailed it threw the woods.
English, do you speak it?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003


Oct 10, 1999
Ehh, it's a 300 pound bear, big difference between a 300 pound bear and a 1200 pound giant moster killer bear....

300 pound bear is "cute", 1200 pound bear is "OMFG RUN!"

That said,
I would not want to mess with a 300 pound bear even if I had a baseball bat with me. Baseball Bat or not, I'm pretty sure a bear could still hurt somebody.


Aug 14, 2001
No but iwrestledabearonce

Been wanting to use that in a sentence for a long time.


Jul 17, 2003
Ehh, it's a 300 pound bear, big difference between a 300 pound bear and a 1200 pound giant moster killer bear....

300 pound bear is "cute", 1200 pound bear is "OMFG RUN!"

That said,
I would not want to mess with a 300 pound bear even if I had a baseball bat with me. Baseball Bat or not, I'm pretty sure a bear could still hurt somebody.

Actually these "lighter weight" black bears have become increasing bold across the country and deaths have been the result. I've talked to a few wardens who have said that big grouchy male black bears are the new grizzly. Black bears will come up the tree after you if they are sufficiently pissed!

But yeah, I get what you're saying, I'd much rather have to deal with a "small" black bear than some bloody great Kodiak. My sole encounter was when a bear was eating the cat food my sister left on her porch. I entered the house from the rear not knowing anything was up, and she was inside, white faced trying to get people on the phone to come help her. I yelled at it and beaned it with a few naval oranges and it took off, my sisters cat trailing off after it like "Hey wait! give me back that food!" We had a good laugh over it.

Still, it was a small black bear that got my step dad in 1990, and it tore him up pretty good. He's a big guy, and the bear that jumped him was tiny by bear standards, no more than 200lbs. Less laughter over that episode.


Jul 17, 2003
Balls, big balls, big huge balls...

Not saying that guy doesn't have a brass pair, but he's got nothing on that dentist who charged and stabbed an attacking polar bear in the face with a friggin Swiss Army knife to save the women the bear was dragging out of a tent.

Can't find the article now, but I remember posting the story here some years ago. I think it was on Baffin Island or thereabout, pretty sure the guy was from Quebec.

Gotta be hard to walk with balls that big!