"Omg, if you get addicted to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which is considered crap by many, your going to be itching to be playing computer when you get some decent games!"
WTF? Crap by many? I and every single person I've played CS with has already moved from CS to RTCW even though their is only 1 map for it right now. It is an excellent team game with multiple objectives and different classes. I'd like to know who the many people are who consider it crapy. I just hope they balance the flame thrower better and make airstrikes either not possible over your own base or less frequent.
"I was going to do my thesis paper on the deindividualization effect of people behaviors in games such as Everquest."
Is this like, when people no longer voice their opinions in EQ (most people seem to voice opinions a lot less in EQ from my personal experiences - scared they will upset someone) or is it how people feel useless in EQ when they are without a group?