Yet another discussion on the military: Army (contrast) Marines


Jan 2, 2006
So, after several weeks, I have talked to recruiters from every branch of the military. I have ruled out the Navy and the Air Force, because of some house matters (in-family).

So, here I am, what to do ... here's what I think about the whole thing

The Army recruiter didn't seem very professional, asked to smoke in my house, and did, wouldn't look me in the eye, just goes to show how ....unrespectful(?) he is. The pool function (on Thursdays, when all the recruits get together to help make BT easier) was a piece of cake to me, and presented no challenge. We merely did some map reading and some basic marching.

The Marines, on the other hand, have always been VERY professional, very polite, and I really can't say anything bad about their presents. The PT (in which we actually did stuff) was challenging, we ran a lot, did pushups, situps, jumping jacks, bear crawls, etc.. and in a very boot camp like manner (which I REALLY liked!).

As far as I can see, the Marines have a lot more respect when saying "I'm a Marine," than when a guy in the Army says "I'm in the Army," (I'm not trying to make fun of anyone, I'm just stating what I've gathered). Also, I'm told that the Marines Boot Camp is three months long, and then you have another twenty-one days for basic combat training, so a total of about four months for everything. On the other hand, the Army has a total of nine weeks for all of the above. The Marines just appeal more and present more of what I want to be when I grow older than the Army.

The only better thing about the Army is the benefits (bonuses and the such), which has no meaning to me, as I'm not joining for the money.

I will also apologize for making you guys go through a whole nother post about this, but you need to understand, I've been here for quite a while, and what you guys say really matters!

If you guys wouldn't mind giving me your input, contrasing the two branches, what's good/bad, and just your opinions, it would be awsome! Thanks.


SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
Marines, hands down. My Uncles in the marines and when he was trying to get me to enlist before college he always told me never the army, and explained why. That being said being said the Marines are also more elite than the basic army infantry unit.


Dec 7, 2004
I thought this was another thread about which branch would kick the all the others' asses. I still say Navy pwns.

Jfrag Teh Foul

Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
I spent 10 years in the Army... I loved it... but then, I was Infantry. Once an Infantryman, always an Infantryman! HUA!


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2000
First of all, 6 months is not a long time (in my book). As far as a choice goes: it sounds like you have already made up your mind, so go ahead and join the Marines. I personally would go Navy or Air Force. Of course since I just retired from the Air Force, I'm a little partial.


Senior member
Aug 15, 2005
I for one don't think entering the military should be a decision between who has better manners and a better shoe shine. Your decision should be about what training you want to pursue. You don't seem to care about the money or the maybe you don't care what MOS you'll enter either, which is a mistake. If you're in it purely for the challenge, the respect, and being a grunt.....go marine. If you want to use it as a stepping stone for the rest of your life and career, do some research and don't be so quick to cut out the other branches that you're eliminating purely because someone in your family has a bias from 30 years ago.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: MorbidSteve
Please, read the post before replying!
I did, and I stand by my answer. Look into Combat Controllers in the Air Force.


Jan 2, 2006
I have chosen an MOS, (which is intel speclst.), and I'm not eliminating the Navy and Air Force because of a bias 30 years old, my brother is only 20. I have always been facinated in such things, FBI and the such, and speaking with my uncle, he told me how far of a region of jobs a can get after I get out with the job I'd have had. And the reason I think about their respect a lot is because it just goes to show what they believe.. when they talk to me, if they have the respect for me as well, it will rub on, if you get what I mean?


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2004
@Morbid Steve- No reason to be sorry, no one did anything wrong here. Joining the Marines thinking that its gonna be a tougher bootcamp, is joining for the wrong reasons. The military isnt some competition to see who has the hardest bootcamp or some "who's got the bicker d1ck competition". Join it because you want to, and because being a marine is everything you want to be, it is your goal, it is all you think,eat,dream about,etc. Because thats what its gonna be like when you are in the Marines. So get used to that mind-set. Other than that, Good luck.

ps-why'd you rule out Navy & Airforce?


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
Like I said before, it depends on what you want to do. Then match an MOS to that. It will probably be Army. Also, like I said last time, don't let the admin at MEPS talk you into not doing what you want. Who cares about bonuses--if you want money don't go into the military.


Golden Member
Dec 25, 2002
Speaking as a former Marine, you seem to be one of the very few people I would say should join the USMC. (based on what you say in your post)

If you enjoy the physical aspect, and honor/respect/integrity are values you hold high then you will benefit from the experience.

If you have any specific questions feel free to ask here or pm me.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
My younger brother just went through basic and his A schooling for the Navy. Enjoyed it other than being away for Thanksgiving and Christmas. His MOS is aviation machining. He's working on helicopters in San Diego atm. Hoping to apply to C school for more advanced training. His only complaint right now, and a valid one, is that he was working 13 hour days for a while. Its tapered down to 10 hour days the last week. Should be down to 8 to 10 hour days in the near future. He's grown up a lot in a short time. Also lost a little of his pudge, arms got bigger, etc. He looks good and he's more confident in himself.

My dad and 2 of his brothers were in the Navy. All of them LOVED it. Can tell stories about it for days on end. I'm like the odd man out by going to college and getting a degree.


Nov 28, 2005
Hey, good luck making your decision. I'm looking to joining the military too, same reasons you cited. It's not about the pay or the benefits, the challenge and duty makes it all worth it. I decided to go Army (airborne) though. I hope one day I'll be a Ranger. Also, although Marine boot camp is longer, you have to think about what MOS you want to pursue. Boot camp is just Boot camp. For me I would have to go to Boot camp>AIT>Jump School>Ranger school. Long process. I wish you luck in whatever branch you wish to pursue. Just remember, no one is better than anyone else, everyone has a mission.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2001
Well, Marines get to make more things dead. This should be an obvious choice. Marines. Because the amount of killing that you have the opportunity to do is all that matters. *shrugs*

Remember: people who are dumb enough to run right into flying bullets or stay in the path of one deserve to die.

Boobs McGee

Senior member
Feb 6, 2006
Ok, what do you want to do with your life? Are you looking to make a career out of the military? Are you looking to get some money for college? Are you looking for job training, adventure, travel, friends? These are some of the things that will guide you on your choice of not only what branch of service, but also MOS/career path.

I am active Duty Army here. I have been in for 5 years now. I have had the oppurtunity to jump out of airplanes and helipcopters, go to the middle east, and do all sorts of other stuff that I didn't plan on. My MOS is basically electronics technician. Guys in my job set work on everything from computer networks to unmanned aerial vehicles.
I will answer as many questions about the Army as I can for you. IMHO the Army will better set you up for a job on the outside and there are more jobs to pick from. There are also more places you can be stationed at in the Army than the Marines. Of course if you are a Marine you could get on a boat and travel that way. My opinion may be biased towards my branch of service, but I will do answer honestly if you have questions. Also don't let one bad recruiter give you a bad taste for the whole branch. Just because you got a turd for an Army recruiter definately doesn't represent the rest of our force. I have met some greatest people since being in the Army.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
This Marine all messed up from Vietnam, went to the hospital to get checked out. Because of the war his brain was all messed up and all he could say were the words to the Marine Hymn.

The doctor asked him his name and he replied "From the halls of montezuma...."

The doctor decided to remove part of his brain to see if that would cure it. When the doctor did this he still said "From the halls of montezuma...."

The doctor figured he did not remove enough of his brain, so after removing some more he still said those words.

The doctor now getting frustrated, decided to take the rest of his brain out. Now the Marine with no brain stood up and said "Be all that you can be......"


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
This marine's on leave with a few of his buddies. They go into a bar to have a few just to wash down some of the dust from the field, and he decides to take a leak before they leave...(you all know how beer is) There happens to be a sailor in there as well...Anyway, the marine finishes taking the leak, goes outside to wait for his friends...Soon, the sailor comes out, and says "You know, in the navy, they teach us to wash our hands after we use the toilet." The marine looks him over, and says, "In the Marines, they teach us not to pi$$ on our fingers."