No, I think an outright lie would be too crude and too stupid for this administration. Instead, what they do on a regular basis is throw out a theory. A theory that is neither provable or disprovable. At least until you walk down the road they're asking you to walk. After the fact, they can always say, "hey, it didn't pan out. Oh well." Examples abound, just take a look at the administration's statements on (1.) Tax cuts, (2.) Easing of environmental regulations, and of course, (3.) Iraq.
The administration steamrolls any "experts" who might invalidate their course of action. Meanwhile, they find and locate "evidence" that will support their course of action. The war on Iraq started as a premise to attack Iraq. The basis for doing so was built up around that course of action. Did any of their pre-war statements or "evidence" really prove anything? Not really. But you couldn't really disprove what they were saying either.
The bottom line though, and I think what really irks most folks, is that the consequences of going to war on such flimsy reasoning are so dire. People's lives are on the line. People's lives are lost. Beyond all of that, however, why do you suppose there was so little opposition to the war in Afghanistan? Why was there so much opposition to war in Iraq? People are clearly not as stupid as the administration would like to believe. I think it's painfully obvious why there was support for Afghanistan but not for Iraq.