Yeah GOP!


Jul 28, 2002
I hope this prevails.

Too bad the first 700billion did not do the same. Nothing like getting triple dipped.

Waste investors money.
Ask for tax payers to give them money they wasted (that we provided in the first place)
Take money from bailout that tax payers have given us, loan it back to the with more taxes and interest...and possibly lose it all again.

Why are not more people outraged at this? You and sit there and quote all your BS as well as the media, seems fairly plain to me...

Rich exploit poor. Poor pay for it. Cycle continues.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Topic Title: Yeah GOP!
Topic Summary: Auto Bailout Appears Dead in Senate as G.O.P. Resists

I hope this prevails.

Too bad the first 700billion did not do the same. Nothing like getting triple dipped.

Waste investors money.
Ask for tax payers to give them money they wasted (that we provided in the first place)
Take money from bailout that tax payers have given us, loan it back to the with more taxes and interest...and possibly lose it all again.

Why are not more people outraged at this? You and sit there and quote all your BS as well as the media, seems fairly plain to me...

Rich exploit poor. Poor pay for it. Cycle continues.

But but but Democrats have full control.

So now you guys want the big 3 to fail?

Where was this wanting the giants to fail when bailed out wall st?


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Why are not more people outraged at this?

Because spending a few billion to save millions of american jobs offends fewer people than spending $10 billion every month for years on end fighting a war against a country that bore us no threat.


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: JS80
Finally GOP restoring faith.

But since when do the poor pay taxes?

How is this "restoring faith"?

Instead of restraining spending in the last 8 years they spent like drunken sailors. Instead of restraining borrowing and regulating more, they let the animals run wild.
Instead of being the stewards of the country they treated it as their own domain to be used and abused.

Now, as a result of their misdeeds, incompetence, and lack of foresight, we are in massive trouble. Instead of actually allowing the companies time to adjust to the new reality, instead of the fake one the Republicans allowed for the last 8 years, they are cutting them off.

It's like a parent encouraging a kid to misbehave, run wild, and cause problems and then chopping the kid's head off when they do.

The Republicans aren't restoring faith, they are passing the buck.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Originally posted by: JS80
Finally GOP restoring faith.

But since when do the poor pay taxes?

How is this "restoring faith"?

Instead of restraining spending in the last 8 years they spent like drunken sailors. Instead of restraining borrowing and regulating more, they let the animals run wild.
Instead of being the stewards of the country they treated it as their own domain to be used and abused.

Now, as a result of their misdeeds, incompetence, and lack of foresight, we are in massive trouble. Instead of actually allowing the companies time to adjust to the new reality, instead of the fake one the Republicans allowed for the last 8 years, they are cutting them off.

It's like a parent encouraging a kid to misbehave, run wild, and cause problems and then chopping the kid's head off when they do.

The Republicans aren't restoring faith, they are passing the buck.

You misunderstood my point. I lost faith in them because of the reasons you just presented. This is the first step in "restoring" my faith in them. I have huge disdain for the Big 3 and the UAW so I admit I am biased when I wish it death.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
I heard one point of view that makes a lot of sense. Unions gave a lot to hottly contested seats and of course unions are always for democrats. So this was a way for Republicans to say "F U!" to unions.


May 24, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
But but but Democrats have full control.

But but but it's not January 21st. :roll:

We all want to see the workers keep their job, but it's a toss-up which way is the better way to do that. Bailout or bankruptcy. Nobody knows for certain. Only thing I know is I don't trust the government to handle anything anymore, Democrat or Republican. :p


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: spidey07
I heard one point of view that makes a lot of sense. Unions gave a lot to hottly contested seats and of course unions are always for democrats. So this was a way for Republicans to say "F U!" to unions.

Yup. to me, this bailout is a bailout of the unions. letting the big 3 go bk would effectively bankrupt the uaw, and make this a much better country.


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Originally posted by: JS80
Finally GOP restoring faith.

But since when do the poor pay taxes?

How is this "restoring faith"?

Instead of restraining spending in the last 8 years they spent like drunken sailors. Instead of restraining borrowing and regulating more, they let the animals run wild.
Instead of being the stewards of the country they treated it as their own domain to be used and abused.

Now, as a result of their misdeeds, incompetence, and lack of foresight, we are in massive trouble. Instead of actually allowing the companies time to adjust to the new reality, instead of the fake one the Republicans allowed for the last 8 years, they are cutting them off.

It's like a parent encouraging a kid to misbehave, run wild, and cause problems and then chopping the kid's head off when they do.

The Republicans aren't restoring faith, they are passing the buck.

You misunderstood my point. I lost faith in them because of the reasons you just presented. This is the first step in "restoring" my faith in them. I have huge disdain for the Big 3 and the UAW so I admit I am biased when I wish it death.

And I reiterate my point. Killing a kid because you encouraged the behavior is a silly notion. You caused the problem, you fix the problem in a responsible way.

I have a huge amount of disdain for any Republican who has been in office the past 10 years who has allowed this stupidity to happen. All of them need to be voted out and publicly flogged for being lying, pandering, and non-representative asses. They didn't do one thing in the public interest and they acted as though they were kings, not servants. It's disgusting the Republican party has devolved into such stupidity, Lincoln would be ashamed.

Now, passing the buck? They are even more shallow and hollow. It's their own fucking fault, now they need to man up and fix the damn problem.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Originally posted by: JS80
Finally GOP restoring faith.

But since when do the poor pay taxes?

How is this "restoring faith"?

Instead of restraining spending in the last 8 years they spent like drunken sailors. Instead of restraining borrowing and regulating more, they let the animals run wild.
Instead of being the stewards of the country they treated it as their own domain to be used and abused.

Now, as a result of their misdeeds, incompetence, and lack of foresight, we are in massive trouble. Instead of actually allowing the companies time to adjust to the new reality, instead of the fake one the Republicans allowed for the last 8 years, they are cutting them off.

It's like a parent encouraging a kid to misbehave, run wild, and cause problems and then chopping the kid's head off when they do.

The Republicans aren't restoring faith, they are passing the buck.

The auto makers had issues well before Bush. It isnt like these problems jumped out from behind a wall and surprised anybody.

Secondly it is intelectually dishonest to claim republicans had full control of the govt for 8 years. Congress has gone back and forth and been with the Democrats for the past 2 years. The 107th was a split chamber. Tied in the senate but with democrats controlling, slim majority for repubs in the house. 108th was slim majorities in both chambers for republicans. The 109th was the closest the republicans got to any kind of legitimate power with 55 seats in the senate and a 53/47 split in the house. The 110th has been Democrat.

Ill admit the republicans havent helped their cause. But the idea the republicans had free reign for 8 years is utterly bullshit. They had at best 2 years of solid majorities and that was Bush trying to push SS changes that blew up in his face and started the steamroll effect that hopefully ended a little over a month ago.

This incoming president and congress will wield more power than Bush and his Republicans ever did.


Oct 25, 2002
The GOP would rather waste American resources on useless wars and killing American soldiers than spend a few billions to save American jobs. Their priorities are ass-backwards.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Originally posted by: JS80
Finally GOP restoring faith.

But since when do the poor pay taxes?

How is this "restoring faith"?

Instead of restraining spending in the last 8 years they spent like drunken sailors. Instead of restraining borrowing and regulating more, they let the animals run wild.
Instead of being the stewards of the country they treated it as their own domain to be used and abused.

Now, as a result of their misdeeds, incompetence, and lack of foresight, we are in massive trouble. Instead of actually allowing the companies time to adjust to the new reality, instead of the fake one the Republicans allowed for the last 8 years, they are cutting them off.

It's like a parent encouraging a kid to misbehave, run wild, and cause problems and then chopping the kid's head off when they do.

The Republicans aren't restoring faith, they are passing the buck.

You misunderstood my point. I lost faith in them because of the reasons you just presented. This is the first step in "restoring" my faith in them. I have huge disdain for the Big 3 and the UAW so I admit I am biased when I wish it death.

And I reiterate my point. Killing a kid because you encouraged the behavior is a silly notion. You caused the problem, you fix the problem in a responsible way.

I have a huge amount of disdain for any Republican who has been in office the past 10 years who has allowed this stupidity to happen. All of them need to be voted out and publicly flogged for being lying, pandering, and non-representative asses. They didn't do one thing in the public interest and they acted as though they were kings, not servants. It's disgusting the Republican party has devolved into such stupidity, Lincoln would be ashamed.

Now, passing the buck? They are even more shallow and hollow. It's their own fucking fault, now they need to man up and fix the damn problem.

I don't see a point in putting pseudo communists in power just because republicans acted like democrats the last 10 years. But we obviously have difference in political ideology, i don't see a point in starting a debate.

And obviously I don't like your analogy because I don't consider the government my parents.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: JS80

I don't see a point in putting pseudo communists in power just because republicans acted like democrats the last 10 years. But we obviously have difference in political ideology, i don't see a point in starting a debate.

Well that and you seem to have no idea what communism is, before starting any debate it's important for everyone involved to know the basic definitions you're going to use.


Apr 29, 2001
Bleh, I like the story, but this thread will fail miserably because of the way the OP presented it.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Why are not more people outraged at this?

Because spending a few billion to save millions of american jobs offends fewer people than spending $10 billion every month for years on end fighting a war against a country that bore us no threat.

Why do you hate America? ;)


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Dari
The GOP would rather waste American resources on useless wars and killing American soldiers than spend a few billions to save American jobs. Their priorities are ass-backwards.

What has stopped the democrats who hold more seats in the house than the republicans ever did under Bush from witholding funding? How much longer can you pretend this war is on the shoulders of republicans? I really want to see how you try to spin this when Obama and his near super majorities in both chambers continues to fund the war.

It will be a remarkable feat that republicans are still able to push their war with the democrats controlling so much power.


Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Topic Title: Yeah GOP!
Topic Summary: Auto Bailout Appears Dead in Senate as G.O.P. Resists

I hope this prevails.

Too bad the first 700billion did not do the same. Nothing like getting triple dipped.

Waste investors money.
Ask for tax payers to give them money they wasted (that we provided in the first place)
Take money from bailout that tax payers have given us, loan it back to the with more taxes and interest...and possibly lose it all again.

Why are not more people outraged at this? You and sit there and quote all your BS as well as the media, seems fairly plain to me...

Rich exploit poor. Poor pay for it. Cycle continues.

But but but Democrats have full control.

So now you guys want the big 3 to fail?

Where was this wanting the giants to fail when bailed out wall st?

Thats what I was stating. Guess it was not clear. I wish the Wall St bailout would have failed...hence the marks about the triple dipping.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Dari
The GOP would rather waste American resources on useless wars and killing American soldiers than spend a few billions to save American jobs. Their priorities are ass-backwards.

What has stopped the democrats who hold more seats in the house than the republicans ever did under Bush from witholding funding? How much longer can you pretend this war is on the shoulders of republicans? I really want to see how you try to spin this when Obama and his near super majorities in both chambers continues to fund the war.

It will be a remarkable feat that republicans are still able to push their war with the democrats controlling so much power.

Because no matter what number there is in the house the Dems do not have 60/40 in the Senate.

As Joe Friday would say "Just the facts lady".


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: Chunkee
Why are not more people outraged at this?

Because spending a few billion to save millions of american jobs offends fewer people than spending $10 billion every month for years on end fighting a war against a country that bore us no threat.

Why do you hate America? ;)

now now, I only hate the real america.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Dari
The GOP would rather waste American resources on useless wars and killing American soldiers than spend a few billions to save American jobs. Their priorities are ass-backwards.

What has stopped the democrats who hold more seats in the house than the republicans ever did under Bush from witholding funding? How much longer can you pretend this war is on the shoulders of republicans? I really want to see how you try to spin this when Obama and his near super majorities in both chambers continues to fund the war.

It will be a remarkable feat that republicans are still able to push their war with the democrats controlling so much power.

Because Republicans will cry "Hussein" "terrorism" "Israel" "heroes" should they withold funds. Besides, the war is in the closing stages so there is little need for more drama on that side. But, to think that, we wasted hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq for NOTHING, yet you have a problem with saving American jobs for 14 billion? How stupid can you be?

If this was the Japanese or Germans, there would not even be a debate. Case in point, look at Mitsubishi Motors.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Dari
The GOP would rather waste American resources on useless wars and killing American soldiers than spend a few billions to save American jobs. Their priorities are ass-backwards.

What has stopped the democrats who hold more seats in the house than the republicans ever did under Bush from witholding funding? How much longer can you pretend this war is on the shoulders of republicans? I really want to see how you try to spin this when Obama and his near super majorities in both chambers continues to fund the war.

It will be a remarkable feat that republicans are still able to push their war with the democrats controlling so much power.

Because no matter what number there is in the house the Dems do not have 60/40 in the Senate.

As Joe Friday would say "Just the facts lady".

You dont need a super majority to not fund a war dingleberry. I cant believe you.