What was your previous low score? How quickly did you improve?
I'm kinda new to the whole credit score thing, but it seems I've improved mine 40 points over the past year or so... is that any good? Currently at 731.
about 4 months ago, my credit score was about 680.
then, i checked it again last month and it was 560. there were a couple delinquent medical bills that were showing on my credit report that weren't supposed to be on there... 1, because i never got those bills, 2, because they were over 3 years old and your debt is wiped clean in 3 years of an unpaid bill (which i never received). those medical bills as well as a request to increase my credit limit through my bank and having it denied and, instead, having my spending limit lowered to only $1800 AND having a previous high balance on my credit card for $1877 all went towards decimating my credit score.
i took the time to get all of that corrected. now, i'm sitting pretty with my high credit score.
i knew there was no possible reason for me to have such a low score, even at 680. i've never taken out any loans or anything and i always paid off any bill that i received. something dumb that i did that i didn't know was a bad move was that i had a couple credit cards that were still open that i zeroed out and wasn't using, so i closed them. apparently, it hurts your credit score to do that. so, from now on, i'm not gonna do that anymore.