Yay a good thing happened\airfare deal for those near NYC


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
Avianca is running a sale on business class flights from JFK to Lima or Quito: $700-780 RT almost everday from September through the end of their schedule in July.

We've been trying to get to S America for a while now but the flights tend to be expensive and award availability nonexistent for the times we can go. Tough to pay $1000+ for an economy flight to SA when we can pay $350 to Europe.

So this was a great opportunity to use my Merril Lynch credit card points meaning it will cost us ~$600 total to get from Detroit to Lima and back in some fairly nice seats. Avianca runs A330s and 787s on this route with fully flat reverse herringbone seats

Nothing firm planned yet but we should be able to see Machu Picchu and the Galapagos islands in the same trip
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Feb 14, 2002
So how are you getting to JFK? That's super hot deal for business class to Lima or Quito. I'm jealous of the cheap Asia airfares that often pops up on NY and LA routes. I still have tons of Chase UR points sitting unused and growing because I can't find the right deals out of Atlanta for the dates I want.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
We've got several options. There is a small chance I could schedule a work trip to NY so they would pay for the airfare there and back. I've also been somewhat lucky with getting travel vouchers the last two years for taking a later flight on flexible work trips. More likely I'll need to get my own tickets. For that we have enough Southwest points for a round-about connection, a decent number of delta points for a direct flight and on Jan 3rd I'll have $250 in Delta gift cards available. The ~$600 price included paying for two one way tickets to JFK so it might even be less.

We've moved beyond the desire to do this sort of airport finagling for economy flights but to get to a new-to-us continent in business class its still something I don't mind.

Most of those cheap Asia flights are in economy which is something I have no interest in doing but I get it. And not being able to go on that $600 RT business class airfare mistake to Bangkok and Hong Kong hurt. Its date availability ended just a few days before my wife's Spring Break started. Sure it was out of SFO but for $600 I'll find a way to get to SFO