I have been really busy and haven't lifted weights in about 5 days. On Friday I am leaving on a vacation for a week and a half. My first question is, when I work out today (I only have about 1 hour and 15 minutes to work out) I was thinking of doing Bench, military, some sort of row, tricep push downs, and bicep curls. And then abs/cardio if time allows. Would this be better than doing say chest/triceps only and really hitting those muscles, or is it a total waste to do 1 excercise per muscle group?
bonus question: is it stupid to take a large container of protein powder along on my trip (i'm driving so room isn't an issue). my body is used to 2-3 shakes a day. I'm sure i'll eat alot on vaca but i'm worried that without working out AND not taking protein that I'll regress quickly.
bonus #2: do I worry too much?
bonus question: is it stupid to take a large container of protein powder along on my trip (i'm driving so room isn't an issue). my body is used to 2-3 shakes a day. I'm sure i'll eat alot on vaca but i'm worried that without working out AND not taking protein that I'll regress quickly.
bonus #2: do I worry too much?