YAWT - yet another workout thread


Jan 22, 2003
I have been really busy and haven't lifted weights in about 5 days. On Friday I am leaving on a vacation for a week and a half. My first question is, when I work out today (I only have about 1 hour and 15 minutes to work out) I was thinking of doing Bench, military, some sort of row, tricep push downs, and bicep curls. And then abs/cardio if time allows. Would this be better than doing say chest/triceps only and really hitting those muscles, or is it a total waste to do 1 excercise per muscle group?

bonus question: is it stupid to take a large container of protein powder along on my trip (i'm driving so room isn't an issue). my body is used to 2-3 shakes a day. I'm sure i'll eat alot on vaca but i'm worried that without working out AND not taking protein that I'll regress quickly.

bonus #2: do I worry too much?


Senior member
Jul 23, 2000
YES!!! more importantly than anything, you worry too much. I've been working out for about 6 months now, have a better body than ever (by a mile) and this was because I threw out all that exact workout crap and just made myself go to the gym, and make myself sweat as hard as I can, doing whatever I can, until I can't do anymore. every single time. How often? maybe 4 times a week, more if I'm really motivated..... you have to reach a point where you don't care about #'s and percentages and ways you can figure out how to make your workout easy. losing weight isn't easy, gaining muscle mass isn't easy..... the only way you'll ever do it is if you REALLY want to. then it's easy.

edit: my bad, I've been working out in sports for over a decade, so I know how to do it all naturally. I guess if you don't it's a bit tricky.


Feb 17, 2001
I worked out for an hour. hard, 5 days a week before. Did a lot of different excercises, etc etc, but noticed not a ton of real gain..... it DOES matter how you work out, etc



Jan 22, 2003
I should have made my question more clear maybe. I normally work out 3-4 times a week and have been doing so for about 2-3 years. I missed the last 5-6 days and I will be gone again for a week from saturday. So my question is, if I want to mimimalize muscle loss during that time, should I do 1 exercise of every muscle group to maintain the whole body, or is that worthless and I should just concentrate and something like chest/tris, so at least I don't lose it that area?