That guy's a MONSTER. Look at how much he's lifting.
Workout No. 1
1. Warm-up: A little stretching and light lifting to prepare the back and hips for the jolt that lies ahead.
2. Dead lift: Barber does these one rep at a time, at 535 pounds. Three or four ought to bring up a fine sweat.
3. Butt squat: Barber topped out at 615 pounds on the machine that strengthens the thighs. Four sets of two reps each.
4. Hand hold: Throw a bunch of iron on a bar ? Barber used 300 pounds ? and just hold it until your grip gives out. Five reps.
5. Bench press: Yep. Regular old-school bench press, except Barber does it with 410 pounds. Four sets of three reps each, and make sure somebody's spotting you in case the old arms give out.
Workout No. 2
1. Warm-up: Same as the first workout.
2. Leg press: Barber has had as much as 1,030 pounds on this machine. When we saw him, he took it easy with only 960. Four sets of two reps each.
3. Quarter-squat: A padded bar on a shoulder-high stand goes behind the neck. Position your feet solidly under the bar and stand up. Barber did that five times, the last two with 805 pounds.
4. Full squat: Traditional work for quads. Four sets of two. Barber did 650 pounds the last two sets.
5. Arm machine: It's just a bar hinged to the floor on one end with weight at the other. Pump one arm eight times, then do the other in sets of eight to exercise the small muscles of the upper back. Barber went with 95 pounds.