I was looking at designs for hybrid spud guns: a combination of a pneumatic and combustion (i.e. instead of aquanet or some other fuel that gunks up the inside, using a carefully measured amount of propane, THEN compressing to 60psi or so) No valves on these; you have to make and use a burst disk.
The hybrids can easily break the sound barrier. Of course, the hybrids are incredibly dangerous (schedule 40 PVC isn't strong enough) and should always have a remote system for firing them. I haven't a clue how far they shoot. (Hmmmm... I wonder if dimpling a potato much like a golf ball would increase the range?)
Anyway, I ran across this youtube video of a pneumatic spud gun. I thought it was one of the best youtube videos of spud guns in action:
(The captions in the video made it good.)
For what it's worth, a hybrid gun (obviously a bit more complicated) here
And no spud gun set of videos would be complete without a video of some idiot getting shot with a tennis ball. Had it been a potato, he'd probably be dead. here
And a couple of jackasses who shot a friend with a ping pong ball
The hybrids can easily break the sound barrier. Of course, the hybrids are incredibly dangerous (schedule 40 PVC isn't strong enough) and should always have a remote system for firing them. I haven't a clue how far they shoot. (Hmmmm... I wonder if dimpling a potato much like a golf ball would increase the range?)
Anyway, I ran across this youtube video of a pneumatic spud gun. I thought it was one of the best youtube videos of spud guns in action:
(The captions in the video made it good.)
For what it's worth, a hybrid gun (obviously a bit more complicated) here
And no spud gun set of videos would be complete without a video of some idiot getting shot with a tennis ball. Had it been a potato, he'd probably be dead. here
And a couple of jackasses who shot a friend with a ping pong ball