YAGT: Too much of a request or just too conservative?


Oct 10, 1999
So I dropped off my GF tonight and when she was getting out I told her that she had a nice ass and that I wanted her to show me a cheek. She was wearing sweat pants and a thong, so it would be quick, easy to do and discrete.

She told me no because she isn't an exhibitionist.

It was 11PM, really dark out and nobody around, not to mention she would be hidden by my car.

So what are your thoughts?


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Usually chicks wearing thongs like to show off, especially to their BFs :p


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
If she's not ready then she's not ready. If you're patient and understanding, she'll want to give/show you more than if you're pushy.


Platinum Member
Sep 2, 2000
I don't think you can label her a prude because she didn't want to bare her ass in public.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: DAGTA
If she's not ready then she's not ready. If you're patient and understanding, she'll want to give/show you more than if you're pushy.

We've been together for almost 2.5 years, so it's not a new relationship if that's what you're suggesting :)


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: y2kc
I don't think you can label her a prude because she didn't want to bare her ass in public.

I wouldn't call her prude. I just think given the context in which this took place she was being too conservative.

She said she was being smart by not attracting attention. I say there was nobody around to be attracted except me.
Nov 7, 2000
get together with stormrider and act out all of your twisted sexual fantasies and leave us normal people out of it


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2003
if you have been together for 2.5yrs I will take it that you are already intimate. If this is the case, i think she was being too conservative.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: KarenMarie
if you have been together for 2.5yrs I will take it that you are already intimate. If this is the case, i think she was being too conservative.

I agree. If she has a pattern of acting like this, then certainly yes. I want girls I date to be open and completely happy about themselves.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Reminds me of this:
Ok, so i've been dating this girl for two weeks now and whenever i go out, i get this impression i should make a move. You know, kind of like a spidey-sense for men.

Anwyays, our last date (3rd one), we went to THE BLOCk to go shoot some pool at LUCKY STRIKE and while we were walking back to our car, i got this impression i should try to hold her or her hand.

Well, afterwards, to be honest, i wanted to go home cause i was tired, but she wanted to go for milkshakes, so we did that, at 2a.m.

I'm not sure if she really was cold or not, but after drinking milkshakes, she said, "i'm cold.." and i'm like..

Well, i was too big of a wuss to do anything at Denny's, so while driving home, i was super quiet because I was telling myself what to say to her so we could hold hands...

She is usually the quiet one, but since i was soo quiet on our way home, she actually tried to initiate a conversation.

I told myself if i didn't make a move this time, then i may be put into the FRIENDS category forever and shoot, holding hands should be the easiest thing.. but for me it was hard.

This is what i said to her while we were in the car.

"Janet... (short pause cause my mind blanked).. Umm, i'm gonna try something now, but if you don't like it, let me know." ~ ME

"Uh ok..." ~ Her

"Stick out your left hand." ~ ME

So she does it and i take it... Initially, i'm not sure if she got freaked out and tried to pull away, but she kept it there... But i think i did feel resisitance or could it be because our hands were in an uncomfortable levitating position?

Argh.. Anwyays, after i did that, she got super quiet. She is a really shy girl, but even after that, she got more quiet and looked outside the window only.. never twoards me.

I don't regret making this move because I'd rather know than blow more $$$ on her. For 3 dates, she cost me $310

Shoot, with $310, i could get myself more Pc3200 ram + creative muvo 4gb, which i really need...

And since i'm afraid of what's gonna happen next, i decided i'm not gonna call her anymore unless she calls me. Well, i'll give it a week b4 i call her.

*sigh* Love, it's a pain.


Sep 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
Originally posted by: KarenMarie
if you have been together for 2.5yrs I will take it that you are already intimate. If this is the case, i think she was being too conservative.

I agree. If she has a pattern of acting like this, then certainly yes. I want girls I date to be open and completely happy about themselves.

I would have to agree that a women who is confident about herself is definitely more attractive - at the same time, if she's independent enough to tell you no because she wants to, that's also somewhat attractive.

I guess you could say I like mine with spirit.

If she doesn't want to half moon you, what's the big problem? No need to push on it. You can find other ways to inform her you think her butt is amazing. I don't think it's too hard to understand that this:

I told her that she had a nice ass and that I wanted her to show me a cheek.

Is a bit rough around the edges and immature. Master your testicles. Most women like a man with self-control, and who can provide a bit more stirring compliment than "You have a nice ass." or "Your tits turn me on."

I mean....suave

No wonder women can't stand the majority of us. Exactly what are we good for, other than revenue?


( ^ At you, not with you )


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Stefan
So I dropped off my GF tonight and when she was getting out I told her that she had a nice ass and that I wanted her to show me a cheek. She was wearing sweat pants and a thong, so it would be quick, easy to do and discrete.

She told me no because she isn't an exhibitionist.

It was 11PM, really dark out and nobody around, not to mention she would be hidden by my car.

So what are your thoughts?

Ghay..i would have been show me the pvssy b!tch!


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Shoot, with $310, i could get myself more Pc3200 ram + creative muvo 4gb, which i really need...

Sorry to respond to a quote from another thread - but three dates and $310? Is this 'girlfriend' an escort?