YAGT: Or when hell falls on you


Senior member
Nov 22, 1999
Hello folks,

I definitely have a dark side (to answer this thread)

I wonder if it will help me, but I have to tell this to unknown folks and read how they react.

Two or three months ago, my girlfriend decided, with her female friend to make a trip to cuba. I have learned about it only after it was decided. "Fair enough" I said. She always told me that for her 30s (she's 25 now), she'd make a trip with her friend. It came sooner than expected. So what? She deserves it.

Her departure date arrives and she leaves. Then, the day she comes back is at hand. I get the other girl's boyfriend and we go at the airport pick them up. They arrive and she didn't seemed very happy to see me. She tells me she's still in cuba and she'll fall from her clouds sooner or later. 'Alright'.

Two days later in the morning before going to work (that was a month ago), I provoke her to tell me what's wrong. She tells me it's over!! WHAT!?!? After 10 years, you decide it's over, like that? The reasons she gives me are quite suspicious "I felt nothing when I saw you at the airport", "I didn't miss you when I was in Cuba" and "I love you like a friend". I weep for a while (yes, I'm a 27 years old man and I weep. Get over it.) and for dark things I said, my now ex decides to call my mother. She comforts me and I get ready to go to work.

When I come back from work, I call my ex, who was with a friend, and I tell her we need to talk. She agrees. When she's there, the first f-word-ing thing she says is "What do we do with the furniture?" I was unbalanced by that! Wow, that is WHAT is important to you, right now? After a while, she gives me the same stupid reasons.

To make a long story short, having nowhere to go, I stay where I was and 2 weeks after I reluctantly return to my hometown at my parents' house. For I had lost my job (budget reasons) and I had nothing else for me in that town.

A week ago, I found out that my ex probably fell in love with a cuban there (in french, we call these guys "GO" (which stands for "Gentils Organisateurs", I think it's the same in english). It's the guys that entertains and organizes the activites.
/dark side points gained * 10 times and over.

A knife in the back was not enough! She had to throw the whole knife filled barrel! My heart wants to let her to be happy everafter, but my head wants to hurt her as bad as she did! It's a feeling I don't want anybody to live, but I'm not God, am I? Since I've learned that, I am jungling with those 2 feelings.

I can't belive my last ten years were lived for... nothing.

I don't know what else I could add without boring you. I have so many things to say, I could go on and on...


Golden Member
Aug 4, 2004
damn. I have not the first clue what to tell you here man other than that's horrible :( :(

I hope something works out for the best for you man...I'm very glad you have a family and a home that cares for you :) Take comfort in that at least


Jul 4, 2000
you've been dating her since you were 17? live and learn. this is life and you need to move on


Nov 17, 2004
first off, :beer:

Now, did she really fall in love with a Cuban? No offense but that sounds like something out of a movie.. umm... oh Along Came Polly.

man, i feel for you - i really do. But you did learn something - you can't put your heart in that particular woman's hands because she went and squished it.

All I can say is you're better off now and I hope you quickly get to the day where you realize this too. Man, what a lame way to break up.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2002
Did you at least bang her brains out the last 10 years on a daily basis?

Most people here never get to so consider your self lucky.

I'd definitely want revenge in this case though.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: J0hnny
Did you at least bang her brains out the last 10 years on a daily basis?

Most people here never get to so consider your self lucky.

I'd definitely want revenge in this case though.

so sensitive...:)


Nov 17, 2004
You know what? Now I'm even more mad. :|

I hate it when chicks plan things, telling you it's for one reason (ie. time to relax, need to get away, etc.) when they know damn well what the reason is. She went there to party and get stupid and probably try to forget about everything good that the two of you had. Just a theory.

:| man women piss me off sometimes (well, not much any more, but I remember when they did :| )



Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
Originally posted by: meltdown75
You know what? Now I'm even more mad. :|

I hate it when chicks plan things, telling you it's for one reason (ie. time to relax, need to get away, etc.) when they know damn well what the reason is. She went there to party and get stupid and probably try to forget about everything good that the two of you had. Just a theory.

:| man women piss me off sometimes (well, not much any more, but I remember when they did :| )


it mite be possible that she just happened to meet this guy down there. IF thats even the reason. you don't know the circumstances, no point in making yourself angry about it.



Dec 17, 2001
What was the point of this thread? To make me waste 5 minutes trudging through this rambling nonsense?!?!/ DAMN YOU!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2004
been there done that....
drink alot... call some girls... hookers if you have to and party your freakign ass off till you dont even remeber her name...


Senior member
Nov 22, 1999
Originally posted by: cjgallen
At least you didn't get married.

The worst in that, is that the day before she dumped me I told her if she wanted to make a trip to "Bora Bora" and she told me "Not before we're married". I told her I wanted to get married there (I was ready to marry her).


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 1999
He may not have gotten married, but WTF are you doing dating the same chick for 10 years?


Nov 17, 2004
time to find some unfamiliar hole bro. screw that biznatch! call up your friends and ditch her sorry ass forever.