YAGT (Most Women today are SCUM)


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2003
Well Folks

I think my new girl is cheating on me. We used to talk everynight after i got off work. For the last couple of days I have called her and she doesnt return my phone call at night but then she calls me first thing in the morning. She says she was sleep but I know that she hasnt been in the bed a 8:30pm every day this week. "You know what I sick and tired of being the nice guy. I FSCKING sick of you scum bags who call yourselves women and parade around saying how you want a good man etc. Well when one comes along you treat him like crap!!!!!" With this being say I am offically moving into playerhood and I will not attempt to establish any meningfull relationships for quite some time, IF EVER!

(Yes I know im ranting!)


Yo Ma Ma

Jan 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Folks

I think my new girl is cheating on me. We used to talk everynight after i got off work. For the last couple of days I have called her and she doesnt return my phone call at night but then she calls me first thing in the morning. She says she was sleep but I know that she hasnt been in the bed a 8:30pm every day this week. "You know what I sick and tired of being the nice guy. I FSCKING sick of you scum bags who call yourselves women and parade around saying how you want a good man etc. Well when one comes along you treat him like crap!!!!!" With this being say I am offically moving into playerhood and I will not attempt to establish any meningfull relationships for quite some time, IF EVER!

(Yes I know im ranting!)


Maybe she read your OT thread where you said you were looking for new wimmins & took the opportunity to "move on."


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Yo_Ma-Ma
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Folks

I think my new girl is cheating on me. We used to talk everynight after i got off work. For the last couple of days I have called her and she doesnt return my phone call at night but then she calls me first thing in the morning. She says she was sleep but I know that she hasnt been in the bed a 8:30pm every day this week. "You know what I sick and tired of being the nice guy. I FSCKING sick of you scum bags who call yourselves women and parade around saying how you want a good man etc. Well when one comes along you treat him like crap!!!!!" With this being say I am offically moving into playerhood and I will not attempt to establish any meningfull relationships for quite some time, IF EVER!

(Yes I know im ranting!)


Maybe she read your OT thread where you said you were looking for new wimmins & took the opportunity to "move on."



Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
Most women are fine in my opinion.



Golden Member
Feb 13, 2003
Its so true, a friend of mine who's a girl moans about not finding decent guys. She ended up cheating on the last guy 8 times, and then complains about losing the guy she loves....oh please give me a break you slut......


Aug 4, 2000
Dorkstar should've seen this coming. Too bad he has the intelligence of a lemming.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Yo_Ma-Ma
Originally posted by: Darkstar757
Well Folks

I think my new girl is cheating on me. We used to talk everynight after i got off work. For the last couple of days I have called her and she doesnt return my phone call at night but then she calls me first thing in the morning. She says she was sleep but I know that she hasnt been in the bed a 8:30pm every day this week. "You know what I sick and tired of being the nice guy. I FSCKING sick of you scum bags who call yourselves women and parade around saying how you want a good man etc. Well when one comes along you treat him like crap!!!!!" With this being say I am offically moving into playerhood and I will not attempt to establish any meningfull relationships for quite some time, IF EVER!

(Yes I know im ranting!)


Maybe she read your OT thread where you said you were looking for new wimmins &amp; took the opportunity to "move on."

LOL Nice one :)