ok i know im gonna get some flack for this... BUT
lately my girl has been packin a few extra lbs and shes like "do i look fat?" and of course im like "no baby you look gorgeous"
but lately, shes like "my ass is gettin bigger" and i look and im thinkin like "you're right, it is" ,... its not like im gonna stop dating her or anything we've been together for over a year now and i love her very much, but i dont like lying to her about that and the fact is that she has indeed put on a coule lbs... so what do i do?
just suck it up? i cant tell her because, well, she's a girl! lol she'll hate me! and id hate me too! i try to get her to come to the gym with me but she only likes goin with her girlfriends if she goes at all...
lately my girl has been packin a few extra lbs and shes like "do i look fat?" and of course im like "no baby you look gorgeous"
but lately, shes like "my ass is gettin bigger" and i look and im thinkin like "you're right, it is" ,... its not like im gonna stop dating her or anything we've been together for over a year now and i love her very much, but i dont like lying to her about that and the fact is that she has indeed put on a coule lbs... so what do i do?
just suck it up? i cant tell her because, well, she's a girl! lol she'll hate me! and id hate me too! i try to get her to come to the gym with me but she only likes goin with her girlfriends if she goes at all...