- Mother gives me her car when house is sold and we move our separate ways
- Mother's original title is missing, I apply for a title all my own, her name off it
- I pay $200+ and get new plates, also a new title is forthcoming in the mail
- no lien on car, FWIW
The new plates took me by surprise, I wasn't expecting them at all. Did the DMV slyly upsell me on new plates I don't need? Can I return them for a refund and keep the original plates?
- Mother's original title is missing, I apply for a title all my own, her name off it
- I pay $200+ and get new plates, also a new title is forthcoming in the mail
- no lien on car, FWIW
The new plates took me by surprise, I wasn't expecting them at all. Did the DMV slyly upsell me on new plates I don't need? Can I return them for a refund and keep the original plates?