For the month of April, Honda dealers do a free 40-point inspection. Here's how mine turned out (this is a '96 Accord, 93,900 mi.):
Replace front wheel bearings - $600
Replace CV boots - $375
Oil pan gasket leaking - $298
Valve cover gasket leaking - $160 (to replace with valve adj.)
Oil leak from timing cover area - $780 (to replace timing belt, water pump, and seals)
Total: $2213
Not sure what to do next. Over the past 1.5 years I've already sunk about two grand into this thing for maint./repairs (though I may be able to recoup some of that - more below). My understanding is that the bearings are most important to replace first, correct?
Chicago peeps, know any good mechanics who can substantially beat these prices? I live NW side but will travel if I need to.
I think it's about time to sell or trade this thing in, but should I at least get a little work done first, such as those bearings and that head gasket? My conscience would feel better, but I am new to the whole car game. Let's not even start on the body work it needs...
Side story: I had an A/C compressor burn out, so I had it replaced at a neighborhood garage. Sometime after this the mechanic and manager quit.
However the harness was defective, and I ended up replacing both it and the new compressor. The new mechanic had no record of the initial replacement - he even let me look through the computer. All the other repairs showed up.
He did say if I ever found that invoice, I could bring it in and he would make it up to me. THe invoice has since turned up, however when I went there to mention it, he had quit.
I've since moved away from that neighborhood, I don't know if that garage has a mechanic yet, let alone a manager. Think the owner will go for the sob story? If not, I still need Chi-towners to recommend places to take this thing.
Replace front wheel bearings - $600
Replace CV boots - $375
Oil pan gasket leaking - $298
Valve cover gasket leaking - $160 (to replace with valve adj.)
Oil leak from timing cover area - $780 (to replace timing belt, water pump, and seals)
Total: $2213
Not sure what to do next. Over the past 1.5 years I've already sunk about two grand into this thing for maint./repairs (though I may be able to recoup some of that - more below). My understanding is that the bearings are most important to replace first, correct?
Chicago peeps, know any good mechanics who can substantially beat these prices? I live NW side but will travel if I need to.
I think it's about time to sell or trade this thing in, but should I at least get a little work done first, such as those bearings and that head gasket? My conscience would feel better, but I am new to the whole car game. Let's not even start on the body work it needs...
Side story: I had an A/C compressor burn out, so I had it replaced at a neighborhood garage. Sometime after this the mechanic and manager quit.
However the harness was defective, and I ended up replacing both it and the new compressor. The new mechanic had no record of the initial replacement - he even let me look through the computer. All the other repairs showed up.
He did say if I ever found that invoice, I could bring it in and he would make it up to me. THe invoice has since turned up, however when I went there to mention it, he had quit.
I've since moved away from that neighborhood, I don't know if that garage has a mechanic yet, let alone a manager. Think the owner will go for the sob story? If not, I still need Chi-towners to recommend places to take this thing.