YACT: Interior and Exterior Detailing makes a HUGE difference


Feb 16, 2003
We recently got our Volvo detailed interior and exterior, it made a really big difference.

Then, there is our Honda Accord 91 that I'm getting in February so my dad is getting things changed to make it look a little newer. We got it painted and the rust removed near the passenger's side rear wheel. The car looks pretty new now, one of my friend's thought it was a new car. We cleaned the interior of that on our own, it looks pretty good. We also got a nice Sony receiver for the car along and kept our speakers since my dad bought some really nice ones a year or two ago.

All that is left now is to get some newer rims :)

Have you guys ever gotten detailing done? How much of a difference did it make for your car?


Jan 28, 2000
I detail my own usually, although I've thought of paying to have someone else do it. I can easily spend a whole day on my car, inside and out. I get down and dirty, cleaning the door frames, cleaning the dash with Q-tips and air dusters, etc. I've had my car cleaned so well that it was just like it came off the lot. It takes time, something I don't have too much of anymore, but yes, it makes a huge difference. I gotta do my car and truck one more time before winter hits though.