YACT: Chipped rear windshield... just waiting to go?


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2001
I was cleaning out my car the other day and noticed that there was a small chip in my rear windshield. It's small at about 3mm around and 1mm deep, and it isn't starring or spidering -- the missing piece would look like a glass flake. How likely would it grow to something bigger? And if it's going to get worse, what kind(s) of do-it-yourself repair kits have you used and would recommend?

And any theories on how my *rear* windshield got chipped? :confused:

Thanks for any ideas. :)

edit: Thanks to Roger, I now have a recommendation on the Permatex Bulls Eye glass repair kit.

That chip has a very good possibility of spreading into a crack, the best fix is a replacement but a very good alternitive is a glass repair such as Permatex's bulls eye repair kit, if the directions are followed to the letter you cannot screw it up ;)


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2001
Thanks for the reply and recommendation, Roger. My current policy covers replacements only with a huge deductible so I'll go the repair kit route for now. I'll go hunting for that kit soon and give it a go when the weather clears up. :)


Mar 16, 2001
Originally posted by: Roger
That chip has a very good possibility of spreading into a crack, the best fix is a replacement but a very good alternitive is a glass repair such as Permatex's bulls eye repair kit, if the directions are followed to the letter you cannot screw it up ;)

I used this on my IS300.
It works great.
I'm not sure if I should renew the application tho.
I still have quite a bit left.