Originally posted by: AnyMal
Originally posted by: murphy55d
Had one of these last night at a bar, and I don't think I've ever had a better beer. The aftertaste was really something. $6 a bottle is pretty steep, but I may be treating myself to one of these a little more often.
Anyone else a fan of this stuff?
'sup Matt!
I'm going to write this down and look for it when I go to the store this weekend.
How ya doin buddy? Long time no talk.
To answer the questions...
It has chocolate malt and some amount of dark chocolate flavoring in it. You can taste it.
It was the large bottle, not your average light beer bottle. Not sure the exact size. Well over a pint.
This isn't a beer you drink to sit and get drunk, this is a definite one to enjoy. I don't drink to get ripped, I drink stuff I like. This bar is the only place in town you can get this stuff, unless you buy a whole case at the one distributor. Like I said, $6 was steep, but I enjoyed the beer. FWIW< I wouldn't drink icehouse if you paid me $6.