0310 I've had it for awhile just never got around to overclocking it until now. I'm using a SLK-900 as a cooler. Yea I did all the benchmarks after I had run Prime 95 for 12 hours.
I know next to nothing about overclocking so I'm going to ask a few basic questoins.
1) Theres no real problem overclocking with the default heatsink and fan is there?
2) If I were to increase the volatage what the highest I should go while being safe?
3) Whats a good benchmark to test if your system is stable with the overclocked settings?
The heatsink is there to disipate heat so if your cpu stays at a reasonable temperature its ok. In general, if you plan on overclocking for the longterm an after-market heatsink is best.
MY personal opinon is only 0.2V over default. The higher over default hte greater chance the cpu will die earlier.
Originally posted by: cessna152
0310 I've had it for awhile just never got around to overclocking it until now. I'm using a SLK-900 as a cooler. Yea I did all the benchmarks after I had run Prime 95 for 12 hours.
1.7V is nice for 2.4GHz. When My 1800+ was with Alpha 8045 it needed 1.75V to run 2.4GHz, but now only 1.7V for watercooling. A few degree DOES make difference.
Hands down that is a sweet chip!!! You got about a 1ghz oc on and amd chip and that means something....I think you could go to 1.8v and get that last 70mhz....
Good luck..how much did you pay for the 1700+ and when???
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