XP MCE Remote Question


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2004
I have an older XP Media Center Remote Control Receiver + IR remote and I want to know if it will work with Windows 7? I currently use XP Professional with my HTPC ,I also use SageTV and a program called HIP (which I believe stands for Human Interface Programmer) which allows me to custom program the keys of the remote to my liking (Will that program still work in Windows 7? or is there another way to customize the way the buttons work to my liking that is if my remote will even work in Windows 7)


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2006
My cheap Anyware remote works fine with Vista Media Center and didn't seem to work with Windows 7 RC Media Center. I didn't fiddle with it much (and I might be misremembering) because I was going to use Event Ghost and XBMC anyway. Dunno my remote would work with XP Media Center, or what differences there are between Vista and XP Media Center.

Sorry I'm not more help, but figured this would be better than nothing.


Feb 22, 2007
If it shows up as ehome in device manager it will work.
One annoyance for me with Windows 7 and a MCE remote is that the driver wants to take control of the remote. I like to use event ghost and it works well with that program, but the up,down, left,right buttons work on everything whether event ghost is working or not. I disabled it in event ghost, but no change. So when I use something like xbmc I have to open something like notepad and click the mouse inside the window or every time I press up/down/ok on the remote windows starts selecting desktop icons.