I just insatlled XP SP2 at home and use a local account with administrator properties.
there are some old files I want to delete but when I right click on the folder the security tab does not appear and thus I cannot take ownership and delete thses files which otherwise are access denied.--- I have similar files as these at work and I can take ownership and then delete.
Anyone know how I can get the security tab to appear??
BTW these ae not system files and I should be able to delete them aftetr taking ownership and giving administator full access. Theya re files generated by aborted automated SMS packages.
there are some old files I want to delete but when I right click on the folder the security tab does not appear and thus I cannot take ownership and delete thses files which otherwise are access denied.--- I have similar files as these at work and I can take ownership and then delete.
Anyone know how I can get the security tab to appear??
BTW these ae not system files and I should be able to delete them aftetr taking ownership and giving administator full access. Theya re files generated by aborted automated SMS packages.