XP boots up into administrator account


Senior member
Nov 13, 2003
Don't know how this happened... I've installed XP many times. Anyway, I just installed it to a laptop, created a couple of user accounts, and it worked normally where you boot up the laptop and you get the option to choose which user account.

Well I dont know what happened but I did something... Now the PC boots into the administrator account every time I turn on the laptop. I then have to log out and then choose my user account. Would anyone here be able to advise on how I can change that? I would like it to boot up and then give me the user account options instead of booting straight into the admin account. Thanks!

(btw I believe what I did was changed some option without realizing it, when installing IIS onto the machine...)


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
You should also be able to go to start > run > control userpasswords2 > make sure "users must enter a user name and password...." is checked