XP and Gamma


Junior Member
Apr 11, 2003
When I ran games, like America's Army, under windows XP and MSN alerts appeared (someone logging in) the alerts would not 'overlay' the game, ie I would not see them appear in the game.

Today i upgraded my cpu/mobo/ram and reinstalled Windows XP. Now when I run the game and someone sends a message or logs in I see the box 'overlay' in the game. Also when i tab out the gamma levels on the desktop are high (its almost as if the desktop is usuing the game setting). If i end the game all is back to normal.

What might have happened to change things? How can i get it so that msn alerts don't overlay, and gamma levels stay 'normal' when tabbing back to the desktop? This msn (and icq.. probably other things as well) issue effects everyone i know.

If anyone can shed any light on this it would be much appreciated.