Xion Slim Case Does not Have Case Fan Screw Holes?


Junior Member
Mar 10, 2013
My Xion XON-720P case does not have standard case fan screw holes. The single installed fan seems to screw into raised areas of the sheet metal that I do not believe are standard. How do I swap the case fan (I believe 80 mm) and add additional fans with no proper screw holes? I would also like to add an additional fan elsewhere.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
I've used those cases in builds (think I still have one). I'm pretty sure it is a normal 80mm fan at the top, clipped into a plastic piece. The stock fan is sleeve bearing and somewhat low RPM, meaning it is pretty quiet but won't last forever.

What are you goals with that system in terms of parts/performance/airflow/noise? If you want quiet or higher performance (slim graphics card, overclocked quad core) you'll want a different PSU since the included "450W" PSU weighs like 2 ounces and has a super noisy fan. I'd recommend the FSP 300W unit. You need an SFX PSU that does not have a protruding fan.