Very nice. Thank you for posting something positive and encouraging. You are correct, most kids these days, at least in our country, are over indulged and ingrates due to poor parenting. I think there should be an exchange program. Send all ingrates to Somalia or El Salvador etc and let those kids take there place here.
I am lucky also. I have appreciative kids. I got them a 360 and they were bowled over. I used to work with kids in a treatment facility. Many of which came from horrible homes (states custody kids). But many also simply came from homes that had parents who set know limits, were not involved in their life and gave them everything. You could not tell the difference in the behaviors. Interesting though the in the group therapy sessions. The state custody kids listened to the ones that came from good homes and railed on them.
The child in the video is not a wimp. He is a good natured and kind boy. Something that is needed desperately. My son is the same way, and I need to remind myself of that. Even though I worry about him not being tough enough, I also remind myself that the world is full of asshats, its nice to meet people that are well mannered, kind and puts others first. Nothing pleases me more than when other parents compliment on how well behaved and helpful he is. It is a tough thing finding that balance.
Again, thanks for sharing the vid.