My little brother's got an Xbox 360 that already had to be sent in due to the red ring of death, and now the new one is scratching up his games. The one year warranty is up (I guess it's only a year from the first one and didn't get renewed when they gave us another), and we're not paying them to fix a problem that shouldn't be happening in the first place. I've called their support line and they won't replace any of the damaged games (there's quite a few, and some are completely unplayable). I can fix the disk drive so it won't scratch up anything else, but it'll void the remaining warranty and we'll be SOL if we get red ringed again. So my options are to fix it and hope we don't get the red ring again (I'm not optimistic) and hope I can fix that too, or wait until it red rings on us and send it in and hope they fix the disk drive too, but in the meantime more games are going to get wrecked. Is there a way to induce the red ring of death without voiding the warranty? Normally I wouldn't try to get repair services for things after the warranty is up, but this is clearly a design flaw on their part and it's completely unacceptable that their system damages the games it's designed to play.
What should I do? Any advice would be appreciated.
What should I do? Any advice would be appreciated.