5 Bucks shy of the blockbuster blowout Provantage.com is offering 600+ Units for 154.27
Rebate form for 5 free HD-DVDs:
Sku includes KingKong and Remote in box.
HINT: File Rebate, wait 2 weeks and call the toll free number listed on rebate to ask for status and you will get your movies quicker. NOTE: Universal HD DVDS skus are "sizzled" off (looks like a soddering burn) - just setting an expecation. Movies playback fine, they just don't want you returning them to the store without receipts.
I use the HD-DVD Addon on my 360 and PC running Vista with PowerDVD. I have a Geforce 8600GT with PureVideo and get great playback on both.
Rebate form for 5 free HD-DVDs:
Sku includes KingKong and Remote in box.
HINT: File Rebate, wait 2 weeks and call the toll free number listed on rebate to ask for status and you will get your movies quicker. NOTE: Universal HD DVDS skus are "sizzled" off (looks like a soddering burn) - just setting an expecation. Movies playback fine, they just don't want you returning them to the store without receipts.
I use the HD-DVD Addon on my 360 and PC running Vista with PowerDVD. I have a Geforce 8600GT with PureVideo and get great playback on both.