Originally posted by: ifesfor
On a scale of between 1 to 10, i would rate my excitation level about the xbox360 being at about 3.
There is no game, beside Elder Scroll( but anyway i will probably end up playing it on my pc), that will make me consider buying a xbox360
Dead or Alive 4= Doa 3 on xbox with little graphic improvement.
Pefect Dark Zero( after the great showing of this game on Spike TV...yeah right......im not touching that piece of crap)
Gotham 3?:I will probably end up doing the same thing as PGR1(metropolis streeet racer) and PGR2

lay with it for 2 hours and change game.
Kameo:Yeah...sure.FOr a simple platformer, i will go spend $600 US on a xbox...
Nope.Im not selling my XBOX to get an xbox360 this holiday....waiting for PS3 instead.