X800 GTO2 VIVO ($179) vs. X800XL VIVO ($191)


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
He is an interesting development.... in my final quest for a decent video card....

HIS has an X800XL 256MB DDR3, VIVO with the Arctic Cooling for (drum roll...) $291 - $100 rebate = $191 !!! that is a whopper of a rebate.... That means an 800XT with VIVO and an AC ATI Silenser Fan for $191... Is there much head room for overclocking an X800XL? The review indicate a lot of people had problems with the fan controllers overheating and having to RMA their cards....

My other choice is:

$179 AR (2 DVIs/VIVO) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16814102646

Am I better off with the 800 GTO2 or a X800XL?????

Thanks for any feedback! I will be ordering tonight between these two....


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
Is that an instant rebate or a MIR? If latter, ugh.
The X800XL is typically not a very good overclocker, so keep that in mind.

The X800GTO*2 on the other hand can be modded into a 16 pipeline card with 100% success rate, and then overclocks like a fiend to X800XT levels nearly everytime, usually going a decent amount higher. At the lower price, I'd definitely choose this one.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Avalon
Is that an instant rebate or a MIR? If latter, ugh.
The X800XL is typically not a very good overclocker, so keep that in mind.

The X800GTO*2 on the other hand can be modded into a 16 pipeline card with 100% success rate, and then overclocks like a fiend to X800XT levels nearly everytime, usually going a decent amount higher. At the lower price, I'd definitely choose this one.

yep x800 GTO2 is great card indeed.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
A couple things I found out about the HIS X800XL Card:

- The X800XL is based on ATI's R430 graphics core (the GTO2 is R480)
- Memory speed: 490 GDDR3 (500 Turbo)
- Comes with two VGA to DVI adapters
- Review comment on the overclocking speed: The X800XL I had a more success with. I managed to get it from the stock speed of 400c/490m to 475c/525m speed.
- 5/5 Editors' choice at Rage 3d:

- Very Fast
- Affordable for a high-end card
- No external power requirement
- Great cooling performance with hardly any noise
- Nice bundle
- Blue UV glow looks cool

- iTurbo overclock not as aggressive as it could be



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
475 mhz is a very unlikely overclock for an x800xl. Typically the xl tops out somewhere ~430mhz. If you plan to do any kind on modding or oc'ing, then this isn't even a contest - the gto2 would win by a wide margin.


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2005
If you want to get a card that has lights then get the x800XL.

There's no contest of performance between the two, the x800GTO2 will win every time. 100% chance of unlocking x800GTO2 and most if not all will OC to at least x800XT performance. I've had a couple that hit past 540/590 which is x850xtPE performance. It's actually greater performance because the memory timings are tighter on the x800GTO2.

I have one for sale that hits 590/680 stable if you want it. :p.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
Thanks guys/gals, I am ordering now....

Sapphire X800 GTO2 VIVO ~$179 @ NewEgg

Just glad to get this over with....dual monitors, and some very decent gaming hardware to play with....a tool to help pull in on old VHS and get them to DVD, I am looking forward to this...

Thanks again....


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
Got the Sapphire X800 GTO2 VIVO 256MB DDR3 and it loaded nicely, immediately went to ATITool and overclocked to 500C/550M...the fan is quieter than anything in the box, basically silent with a light rustle...very happy....

16 Pipes right out of the box no mods needed, now to load some games and see what things look like...tomorrow I will get another DVI to VGA adapter so I can go Dual Monitors (the box comes with one adapter and I need to by a second one (the VIVO version of the X800 GTO2 comes with two DVI connections) - all my monitors are/will be regular 17"/19" CRTs (Hitachi 1997 17"/Acer 2001 17"/Dell 19" 2004))....once things are stable, I will attempt to get the onboard video back in play for a triple monitor delight....I don't expect it to work, but I will try....

it comes with a DVD of full version games....in some reviews it says to can play all and then decide to instal one of them with a special code....well my special code says this version of the card doesn'y give you a free game.... just discounts if you decide to buy the full version of any one or all games....

One other thing to add to the $20 rebate from New Egg....you can also get a $5 check from Pricegrabber.com, if you go to their webpage to find the price for this item, and then return to write a review of the card....

Thanks for your help with things...