X2 3800 or Opteron 170?


Senior member
Sep 9, 2004
I have at hand an X2 3800 boxed (still sealed).

Is it a good one? Where can I look for references? I know it is a Manchester (BV), revision E4 (AMD reference sheet). Is that good or bad?

I bought it because I thought the price difference for the others was not worth it. With some luck, it will o/c to 2.5 or 2.6 and that's the bung for the buck imo.

On the other hand, I read about the Opterons dual core (Zebo thread). The 165 is not available for me, but the 170 is. It costs 90 bucks more than the X2 3800. I like the idea, it has also 10x multiplier and the 1024KB L2 cache per core.

Despite the L2 cache difference, is the Opteron a better CPU? I believe the quality is the same, you can have luck and get a good one or just a regular.

My feeling is that I should spare the 90 bucks, it is not worth the difference in performance. I feel I should save the money or spend on something else. Any comments?

If I have to I would like to order today, before they vanish from stock.... All other Opterons are on back order....

edit: 08/11/2005
I just ordered one Opteron 170 boxed before it vanishes also.

I have a X2 3800 boxed not opened, I decided to return it and try the Opteron.
It is more expensive, but cheaper than the X2 4400.

I know some people think the 9x is a better deal, but it is not available for me. The 170 is and it has the 10x multiplier.

I hope the Opteron will clock well, otherwise I will feel like a fool.....

It should arrive Thursday or Friday. As soon as I install, I will let you know how it performs. I have a new Thermalright SI-120 waiting for it.

I have a Typhoon also, but not willing to go through the install process again. Too risky for the mainboard (very difficult to secure the bolts on the DFI).

Wish me luck ;)


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Madellga
I have at hand an X2 3800 boxed (still sealed).

Is it a good one? Where can I look for references? I know it is a Manchester (BV), revision E4 (AMD reference sheet). Is that good or bad?

I bought it because I thought the price difference for the others was not worth it. With some luck, it will o/c to 2.5 or 2.6 and that's the bung for the buck imo.

On the other hand, I read about the Opterons dual core (Zebo thread). The 165 is not available for me, but the 170 is. It costs 90 bucks more than the X2 3800. I like the idea, it has also 10x multiplier and the 1024KB L2 cache per core.

Despite the L2 cache difference, is the Opteron a better CPU? I believe the quality is the same, you can have luck and get a good one or just a regular.

My feeling is that I should spare the 90 bucks, it is not worth the difference in performance. I feel I should save the money or spend on something else. Any comments?

If I have to I would like to order today, before they vanish from stock.... All other Opterons are on back order....

It depends on how much you value the "possible" performance gain.

I am pretty much in the same position as you are. I have a x2 3800+, the only difference is I already have it installed in my box.

I don't think Opteron will be much better then the regular A64 x2's. AMD won't spend the money to have two completely different manufacturing process for two very similar CPU. So most likely they just slap the labels on cpu that come from the same manufacturing line.

The only advantage Opteron I can think of is being a newer product, it's probably manufactured a little more efficiently, and you have a higher chance of getting a core that can overclock better. In addition, you get a chip with double cache memory.

Right now, my x2 3800 runs at 2.5~2.6 depending how much voltage I give to the chip. I am guessing a 165/170 can do at least the same, maybe with less voltage, and with more voltage, maybe able to get to 2.65 or 2.7 if I am really lucky. So I am looking at maybe 0.1~0.2 Ghz gain plus the cache memory gain, and I estimate the total "possible" performance gain of maybe up to 10%.

For this gain, I will need to sell my x2 3800 and buy the 165/170, maybe put up ~$50 bucks for the difference, and the time and effort to reassemble my stuff, and sell/buy the chip.

Looking at all that, I decided the effort is not really worth it for me. But everyone puts different weight on the performance gain and value on time and effort. And maybe you are willing to do all that for a chance to get a chip that will overclock a little better. It's up to you.


Senior member
Sep 9, 2004

I agree with you. I have the advantage to return the X2 3800 and pay the difference for the Opteron if I want.

I don't think 90 bucks justify the difference in the performance, unless the Opteron would reach 2.8 stable. But nobody can really say that. It is a lottery, but once I open the box I have to stay with it.

You are right about the Opteron having perhaps a new revision. But nobody mentioned that until now. I am shooting in the dark.

That's the reason of my post. I hope someone can come with new information.


Senior member
Jan 2, 2003
The Opteron 170 (skt939) is identical to what an A64 X2 4000+ would be, if it had been released.

For an indication of X2 3800 versus Opt 170, look at X2 4200 versus X2 4400. The differences should map back to the slower processer comparison fairly closely.


Senior member
Sep 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Nyati13
The Opteron 170 (skt939) is identical to what an A64 X2 4000+ would be, if it had been released.

For an indication of X2 3800 versus Opt 170, look at X2 4200 versus X2 4400. The differences should map back to the slower processer comparison fairly closely.

Good idea. They are same clock, just the cache is different. Similar situation.

But still need some kind of feedback on how they (over)clock differently.


Senior member
Aug 11, 2005
Originally posted by: BlingBlingArsch
opterons lack cool n quiet, dont they?

I don't think that's right, Cool n Quiet is on all K8s, Sempron, A64 and Opteron. It's the perfect thing to have for servers, even more important there than on the desktop IMO


Senior member
Sep 9, 2004
I decided to order the Opteron 170 boxed. I will return the X2 3800.

There is a difference in price, I hope it is worth it (ie, it will clock well).

EightySix Four

Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2004
I'm thinking the Opteron's will out OC the x2's by a good amount. They are stress tested much moreso than the normal athlon's.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
The Opteron will make you a cup of coffee. The X2 will grind the beans and get the machine running but forget to percolate the beans...

Seriously, it's the same thing, just with double the cache on the Opteron.


Platinum Member
Sep 18, 2005
! lol I wasn't paying attention:( sorry:

thanks for the heads up tho!:D

So do you suggest getting a Opteron 165 that has 1.8
or should I get a 3800 X2 that has 2gig
Some people told me in the general hardware forum that I could OC the Opteron and still have the warranty! lol <--not true am I correct:D?

I don't plan on OCing in the near future....I don't think....


Senior member
Sep 9, 2004
Originally posted by: jiffylube1024
The Opteron will make you a cup of coffee. The X2 will grind the beans and get the machine running but forget to percolate the beans...

Seriously, it's the same thing, just with double the cache on the Opteron.

That's my feeling also. But I did consider this:

a) I wanted a X2 4400 and got the 3800 because of the price. The 170 is in the middle, I thought to be a compromise.

b) I the x2 3800 is a E4 stepping. The Opt. 170 is a E6.
I don't know if the stepping is different because the cores are different or because the Opteron is newer.

c) Zebo mentioned Opterons are more resilient - they need a higher reliability. I don't think AMD designs this way, but it is possible that AMD sorts the chip out like that.

As I cannot open a boxed CPU and return them if I don't like, I decided to go with the Opt. - if doesn't clock well at least will be the CPU I wanted :)